
Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I know a huge trip is coming up and know that I need to get to packing for.
Always: I wait until the last minute and end up just shoving things in my suitcase that I may not even need.

Sometimes: My offenders show up to my office unannounced.
Always: I get irritated when they do.

Sometimes: I imagine myself doing a different job
Always: I am SO thankful that I do what I do and know that it's exactly where I am supposed to be.

Sometimes: I give my husband a hard time for being super mushy and smothering.
Always: I am thankful that my husband loves me that much because I could be married to a jerk.

Sometimes: I ask for persons to guest blog while I am away on conference and vacation.
Always:  I get some great responses.

Sometimes: My allergies get the best of me... like TODAY!
Always: I want to put in sick leave and go home and lay down.
Sometimes: You know there isn't a great picture that you have taken over the week that you can post.
Always: There is one that you come across that you can post for good measure that expresses how you feel.

If you still are interested in perhaps doing an introductory post for my readers or want to share something funny while I am away, please send me an email to hellogmsunshine@gmail.com

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  1. Have fun on your trip! That is so sweet with your hubby!

  2. I love that you are doing exactly what you know you should be in your career. Most people cant say that!

  3. My husband is the mushy, touchy-feely, snuggly one between the two of us too! Sometimes I get annoyed by it, but I'll take that over a jerk anyday!

  4. I do that with packing every time. I get all of the laundry done at least. Enjoyed your post today!

  5. I love husbands that are mushy and snuggly!! I just think it's so cute. Although they gotta be a "man" sometimes, too! Haha.

    Thanks for linking up!!


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