
"Happy Hour" Wednesdays

There are so many things that one can be thankful for.. and so its Wednesday, and usually it's all about "Sunshine": finding the good in every situation around these parts.. but if you would allow me for a minute to really unpack on this here humpday some things that are not so sunny!

Grant it, I LOVE MY JOB! (not a disclaimer, I REALLY do love what I do). But I swear this week! the picture above says it all!

Do you understand how complicated and tiresome it is, to make it through your normal routine without screaming at the top of your lungs for people who just don't understand or comprehend what you are saying to them. In my line of work I am the judge and the jury and what I say goes.. you don't like it the only people who can change that decision is the person who more then likely will escort you to a nice comfy cot in federal prison... (clearly there are policies and procedures and I am not really going to get into the specifics but you kinda get my drift).
Sometimes there comes along a person who you just want to whip out utensils on and say "ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!"...
I mean there was ONE that really was on the verge of getting on my very LAST nerve! But, whoo! no forks were in sight! Thank you, Jesus!

but I digress.

It's Wednesday and there is some Sunshine! When you can just get stuff off your chest, it automatically allows you to feel better... so perhaps Wednesday may be the "Get it off your Chest Day", why do you think most Happy Hours are in mid-week and not on the weekends? I'm just saying..

So this, right here.. is Happy Hour Wednesdays at Hello, Good Morning Sunshine!
(this may turn into a Linky Party, who knows? ) UPDATED : It is! So add your link
But in the moments where I am just hoping to make it through the rest of the week... its always helpful to think about not just the things that have already worn me out and its ONLY Wednesday, but some good things have already happened or that I am looking forward to: so here goes nothing! (my half week via iphone photos: Follow me on instagram at VashtiJasmine for more fun!)

1. I drove through the Storm of April in the Mid-East to retrieve a Beyonce Blu Ray just so I could sing REALLY LOUD and annoy my husband... that was before Glee came on last night with all Whitney Houston songs and I went to TOWN! Did anyone else?! It was great!

 2. You know we are trying to get more serious about our weight loss goals.. so we went to Wegman's Grocery Store for the first time with the goal of buying all organic and fresh everything! We are very much so an eat-out half the week type of couple. So, this has faired well in our household so far and I am already noticing my work clothes fitting differently.

and yet,

Source: someecards.com via Erin on Pinterest

3. Because some days, you really have to start digging through change so you don't have to swipe your Visa Checkcard for this! I feel like finding change should definitely be rewarded with sweet treats because I rarely carry cash.

4. After hard days at work, you should always find something to laugh at.. on this day it was the fact that I am sure this person is getting wet because they didn't tie down the plastic windows on their tracker in the middle of this storm..

5. But in all seriousness.. I do feel better. I signed up for my first Run/Walk at work.. It's 3.1 miles and I am pretty sure that I will be partaking in the Walk portion of this adventure. However, I got my new sneakers and I am motivated and willing and able to give it a try. Just pray I don't fall out on the streets of D.C. That's next wednesday, so we shall see if I survived.

Join the Link Party!
Grab a button and Link up your posts at the bottom..
I'd love to read it.

P.S. Yes, my nails are only painted one hand at the moment.. and have been this way for about three days now. So what! It's Wednesday!

P.P.S. Thanks to all my new followers from Thee Blog Hop, Friday's Letters, Tid +Bits and Monday's Musings.. you're appreciated.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Linked up with:

The Fontenot Four ThankfulThursday



  1. Love Wegman's. I wish we had one here in Georgia. Good luck as you continue your healthier lifestyle.

    PS. Not sure if you realized you have word verification on your blog. It's easier for your readers to leave comments without it! : )

    1. Thanks for the tip! clearly I thought that I could respond via email.. but I am working on this whole thing.. having comments and trying to respond to each is something I am working at and love to do.

  2. Thanks for linking up today! Congrats on entering the walk/run. No matter how much you run, the important thing is that you are getting out there. That's awesome!

    1. Thanks! I just hope I have the stamina to complete it! I will defintely post about it so check back with me.

  3. Oh doll. There is so much I want to say - what a lovely, beautiful post :)
    I agree with Alysa - I'm proud of you for entering the walk/run!! It will be oh so exciting for sure!! If you have any questions on a healthier lifestyle, don't hesitate to ask!
    And some days you really do just have to laugh at yourself ;)

    Thank you for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday <3

    Hope you are having a lovely day! ox

    1. Thanks for stopping by and linking up. I appreciate it.. yes I will be back to ask questions because just trying to get fit it seems so hard but I am willing to try.


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I love to respond to you via email so make sure that you're not set to no-reply. Otherwise, check back here- I will try to reply as soon as I can. Trust me, I read them all. Thanks again.

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