
Friday's Letters

Dear Allergies, I despise you!!!!

Dear Husband, it tickles me every time you get so sappy when a little girl is around. You just melt into one big pile of sweetness. It is so cute! You will definitely be a great dad one day, but I truly feel for your our bank account if we have girls because you truly can't say no. Our god daughter already has you wrapped around your finger. But I am glad that she has a male figure like you in her life and that she can play with you and you never get tired.

Dear Husband, you get too letters this week.. why? because I really am wondering if we will make it through one day this week where you are not hitting me in the face by accident in your sleep; I am this close to getting a nose guard since you like to toss and turn and fix my pillows in your sleep and throw quasi Ron Artest, I mean Metta World Peace bows at me. I mean a California King Bed and you are STILL right there! I just don't understand... lets pray that next week is better. LOL.

P.S. Husband, You just read my mind! Seeing that text saying "Do you want to go to the movies? 5-year Engagement is out" made my day! I was so going to call you and ask the same. No matter how much we try to stay away from the movie theater, we just can't! So sure! 5-year Engagement it is!! (I always get so excited for date night and its always a movie involved)

P.P.S Dear AMC Theaters, can you just give us a giftcard for the year; we are there on a weekly basis. This is sad.
Dear Thursday Night Television Programming, why must you have so many shows on that are intriguing that I am wrestling with my DVR on a weekly basis just to make sure that I don't miss a thing!?

Dear 2 oz bagels with Raisins, Can you please have more raisins? half the bagel is just dry bread. If I have to cut my portions can you at least make up for it some where?

Dear Coffee, I was only able to go with out you one morning this week and I paid for it. I overslept by an hour. Yes, I blame you coffee although I could probably blame other reasons... but today coffee you get it! (any excuse to stop and get a cup!)

Dear Little Cousin, I am so happy that you are finally getting married! I am beyond thrilled... even more so excited that you chose me to be in your wedding. I promise I will stop giving you a panic attack and order my bridesmaid dress this weekend. I feel so bad because clearly I know how hard it is to wrangle in the bridesmaids and here you are having to wrangle me. The dress you chose is all the more motivation as to why I have to get this body together because my legs will be out! and my arms... and its fitted.

Dear Bootcamp, sign me up!

Dear Body, they keep saying that you may be anemic, which is what is making me tired, but honestly I really hope it's under control in there. I wish I didn't fall asleep and get exhausted with each activity of the day. We have got to hold it together. We are just in our twenties!

Dear Random Caller on my Cell Phone, NO! You are not calling me from Washington, DC and from the Federal Grant Commission or whatever you say you were calling from because one, I have an iPhone... and its handy in telling me where you are calling from. two, I work for the Feds... so beat it! they don't call asking to give out money. Have a nice day with this dial tone!

Dear Pastor Joel Osteen, apparently I will spending my whole Saturday with you at the Washington, D.C. Nationals Stadium. Hubby did not tell me of such an experience until yesterday but I am excited nonetheless. I'll be able to say "This is my Bible... app".
Dear New Blog Readers, just seeing that more and more people are interested in my random life and streams of thought is encouraging. This outlet really brings me a peace.. thanks for joining me. Honestly, you never know what you may find over here... but stick with me and I love your comments.

Dear Linesisters, we will celebrate two years of being in the best sorority there is :
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. this weekend and I can not wait!

Dear Mom and Sister, I am proud to continue this legacy of Delta Women! "Oh Just to be a Delta Girl! The finest in the world!" I love you!

The day that I crossed into Delta Sigma Theta


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