
Monday's Musings

Mini-vacay was so wonderful. 
It was planned prior to Hurricane Sandy was even a threat so, it made our vacation weekend more like a week. 
I missed being able to post, but definitely was thankful for the break. 

So what's been going on?
Well, I got to spend some time in the recording studio with my husband.
I haven't been in the studio in a while.

 They had to record some stuff for an upcoming Christmas Play. 
This isn't your average Christmas Play - its a Million Dollar production.
SO, because of it our whole November/December shuts down to work for the production. 
I will be sharing some pics from the production once it begins... 

My silly husband would not let me take a candid picture of him working to save his life. 
I promise I am going to figure out how to upload some of his playing because its truly music to my ears.

Following Sandy, we decided to head to Williamsburg, VA just to enjoy a quick getaway.

The only thing that I wanted to make sure that we got to do while we were out was to go to Ciné Bistro! I heard about this wonderful Movie Theater through the Blogs and I was so thankful for coming across it because we are Movie people!

So let me just tell you.. I LOVE Ciné Bistro!!! I WILL travel to Richmond, VA to experience that again! It is the ultimate date night spot. It has a full restaurant menu that they serve to you while you are seated in the most comfortable movie theater seats, has a nice little bar atmosphere in the middle of the theaters and then there is also a bowling alley in it with large tv screens. And no children are allowed after 7pm? i think. AWESOME!

So we took full advantage of the experience. 
The bartender kept saying "Do you want a drink pumpkin?"
I thought he was being a bit flirty especially with my husband sitting there... I was like how does he get the confidence to call me pumpkin?
Then, he places THIS in front of me.. 

Oh he literally meant a "Drink Pumpkin". 
It was good though!

I decided to try the pan-seared Salmon and the Popcorn Chicken. 
This is served to us right before the previews begin and it never gets too dark in there where you can't see your food while you watch the film, but never so bright that you can't enjoy the movie. 


You know that you can't travel from the north to the south without stopping at a Waffle House
I hate when I have a taste for something then get the menu and change my mind and then that taste is never quenched. So I told my husband what I wanted so that I would not be able to change my mind when I got there. 

I REALLY wanted Chocolate Chip Waffles! And thats EXACTLY what I got!

Can I just say though, the staff at the Mechanicsville, VA Waffle House is purely hilarious and they should get their own Reality TV show! Seriously. 

Last night, I was watching Black Girls Rock - a show that helps uplift African American Women and highlight their contributions before young African American girls to help their self awareness and esteem and character building. 

So who do I see on my TV like 20 times?!
My little sister and her bestie! 

They get the award for acting like a real concerned audience member!
They put on a show for the cameras ok?! LOL 
I was cracking up at these two all night!

In all honesty, I would not be surprised if they aren't honored one day because my sister puts on a great event to assist the homeless of D.C.
Its called Coats and Cocktails and this year its sponsored by Moet and Chandon
So if you are in the D.C. area, come out and support!

What are you doing for Election Night?! 
I am debating if I want to be out in the District like I was last time... 
I need ideas or a last minute push!

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miscellany monday at lowercase letters

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