
Benefits of this East Coast Weather

So, it has been just our luck on the East Coast that we keep getting hit by storm after storm.
My hearts and prayers still go out to those in New York like my sister and New Jersey and all the other areas that were hit the hardest during these back to back storms.

Hurricane Sandy had me "stuck" happily at home for three days.
We had minor damage and thankfully because of new construction didn't lose power.
However, we prepared for it just in case.

Now we have the Nor'easter that was at first forcasted to come through here and luckily we just got the rain and not the snow because of the elevation that we live in.

Being home through the storms and constantly preparing has allowed me to discover some new things:

1. I got to see the Breaking Amish series that I kept hearing about thanks to a marathon and I LOVED it.

In all honesty, I was cooking and didnt have the hands to change it therefore, stuck I was watching it and getting sucked into the story line. They are off the hook crazy! Couldn't be me.

2. Cooking what? you may ask. I tried another Skinny Taste Recipe and thanks to the storms, I had no where to go and could take my time cooking.

My kitchen usually looks like this when I am trying to follow a recipe. This one was a Skinny version of cajun chicken pasta.

I really thought I was Chef Boyardee, but thats fine because it came out GREAT! YUMMY!

3. We FINALLY mounted the television in our bedroom after all this time it had been propped up on a box. Happy to say that our TV is now secured to the wall and looking awesome!

4. In addition to suffering from cabin fever, we cleaned the entire house, which made it easy to have an impromptu Election Night party.

5. In the midst of all these storms, Daylight Savings Time changed again... can I just say that thanks to my inner clock (because if you don't know - I never set my alarm to wake up, I just wake up the same time every day) I am now an hour early to work every day! Which works out great for me because now I can leave work an hour early. YAY!

If you are on the East Coast what did you get done in the storms while you were home from work?

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