
Marches, Make-Up and Movies ... OH MY!

 This weekend was a whirlwind of activities and completely non-stop until this moment... my coveted compressed day off from work. It's always the days that you plan to do absolutely nothing that turns into a jam packed few days and then you look back and think as exhausted as you feel : how and when did all those things get on your schedule?

It started Friday Night with an impromptu Date Night with Amos --
We saw 21 and Over and ended at The Green Turtle for dinner
First, 21 and Over was as hilarious as they say! and this is the look that I get when Amos realizes there is Televisions in the booths and a Miami Heat game is on - 
Hey Boo, I am over here! 

Saturday started with a nail cutting gel manicure. 
I am the type of person that has to decide before I go to the nail shop what colors I want on my nails because once there in the land of nail polishes - I will change my mind in a heart beat and then be sad for two weeks that I didn't just go with my gut. 
Is it just me?
So this weekend, I decided I wanted baby pink with gold glitter nail - 

These are the colors on my nail, the left is an O.P.I nail polish in "Privacy Please" and the right is a China Glaze in "Blonde Bombshell"

As you can kinda see in this pic, I went from Navy Blue stiletto nails - so this was definitely a change of pace for me. 

From there, I went to a Gender Reveal Party at my neighbor and fellow blogger, Veronica's home. 
This was how we cast our vote for what she was having. 

I guessed Little Miss. 

I will wait until she posts herself, before I reveal if I was right or not. 
Sunday Morning started bright and early -
As I spoke about here, this weekend was Delta Sigma Theta's reenactment of the Women's Suffrage March of 1913. Now, some may not know what Women's Suffrage is - and grant it I didn't really know what Suffrage was until I realized when I was older that this scene was one of my favorite movies : Mary Poppins

So basically the relevance to our sorority and this march is this: On January 13, 1913 Delta Sigma Theta was formed by women who were members of the only African American Sorority at the time, Alpha Kappa Alpha. Upon its forming Delta Sigma Theta began a more social action mission - a mere 3 months after its forming, the founders of the sorority participated in what was the biggest march for Suffrage for Women. These 22 African American college students along with their faculty male escort that they convinced to chaperone them (since women were not allowed without one in that time) decided that they would march in this March at a time where African Americans, let alone African American women were doing anything of the sort. After all, American women at the time were looked down upon for even participating. 

This Sunday marked 100 years since that March for Women's Rights. 
Delta Sigma Theta invited several women's rights organizations to join us as we "Retraced the Footsteps of our Founders" in the reenactment of the Women's Suffrage March. 

Here are a few pics from the March:
We gathered at the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor, MD to load buses and cars to head to Capitol Hill

National 2nd VP - Chelsea Hayes and myself
Madame President Cynthia Butler-McIntyre and myself

My mom and myself in the car service headed to the Capitol
Happy to also share a ride with Honorary Member Daphne Maxwell-Reid (best known for Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)

Sorority Sisters gathered on the lawn in front of the Capitol and were grouped by where we were from - they came from far and wide!
s/o to my Sorors from the Republic of Korea.

Here is my group gathering from the great state of Maryland

This Soror is wearing a jacket made to honor the Founders and has my Great-Grandmothers name 
My mom prayed that morning in front of The Capitol - 
I can not describe how it felt to hear the words of her prayer bounce from The Capitol down the National Mall 

Mom, Bishop McKenzie with Civil Rights Activist and Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta
Frankie Muse Freeman 
Pictured with mom and our Cousin Rachael
We gathered on Pennsylvania Ave in D.C. 
Assembled ourselves by "rank" and State
Then we got our March on!

As we headed down Pennsylvania Avenue, I turned around and could see Sorority Sisters for miles! 
In this pic not only are we a good ways down Pennsylvania Ave but there are still more gathered on the lawn of the Capitol. 

I marched carrying a sign representing our Past National Presidents that are no longer with us. 
I carried the one of the National President that would've been President at the 1913 March.
So honored. 

The parade route took a turn to right in front of The White House - who knows if anyone was home but we made sure to make our presence felt!

Mom and I in front of the White House
I think right about here... my phone started acting crazy - 
thought it was dead but now thinking back, because we were standing in front of the White House, I would not be surprised if it was done intentionally

So no more pics from the event. 

Immediately after the March ended - 
I had a production make up session for this upcoming Easter Production 

The refresher for the day was highlighting and contouring - honestly one of my favorite things to do
Its like the face is the canvas and you can accentuate whatever you want all with the beauty of highlighting and contouring. 
Here you can see that I decided to accentuate her nose, her lips, her cheek bones and her brow bone
added a plum lip liner and matte nude lip and the look was complete.

For the production the Make Up Director came up with some inspirations for the looks for the opening scene. We were tasked with translating it into real life with cheaper tricks.

Here was the inspiration - 

Here was my interpretation using lace cut from small doilies

I can not wait to work on this production so that you can see the final product

Then it was off to change clothes and take a quick nap because my Sister in Law was in town and it was her birthday! It was time to go take her out to celebrate!

We took her to our favorite Sushi/Hibachi Spot and then took her across town to one of our favorite movie theaters. 
This AMC theater is one that has every theater equipped with recliner seats!
Its the best way to watch a movie! 

We saw the movie Snitch .. didn't know what to expect but definitely went because Dwayne Johnson was starring in it - but I was pleasantly surprised! It was a really good movie with a great story line and I think the fact that it was based on true events- 
Honestly Amos chose this movie for us because he knew the only way we would stay up late to see a movie would be if there was some eye candy!
But I was pleasantly surprised that there was a vulnerable side shown on screen by Dwayne.
Its one of my favorite movies thus far.

All in all, I had a great and busy weekend and now I'm off to hang with my mom as she is still in town, so its Girls Day OUT!

Have you followed "our" (family dog presently living with my sister in NYC) dog on Instagram yet?!

As the caption on this pic says, she's "stuntin' on them hoes"

Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well!

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  1. You did well on your weekend. There's gonna be some parades for Womens' day in my area but honestly I am too low for that :D
    New follower from blog hop , hope you will check my blog too :)
    Aree With Umbrella

  2. Wow! You did pack a lot into that weekend. Crazy! And I just read your about me, you are a cop and a preacher? So cool! I'll definitely have to read more. New follower from the Monday GFC hop.

    I'd love for you to stop by sometime!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands

  3. i love your nail varnish, and the gold stands out very well :)

  4. Wow! That is a busy weekend. That March event was amazing. How cool to be a part of that. Your nails look gorgeous.


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