
Fantasy Football Stats

As you know I recently signed up for Fanstasy Football for the very first time.
I am beyond a Rookie when it comes to this.

I literally picked favorite players and people I never heard of but liked their stats. Here was my Roster for Week 1.

QBAaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers, played SFO 

QBDrew Brees of the New Orleans Saints , played WAS

RBRay Rice of the Baltimore Ravens , played CIN

RBLeSean McCoy of the Philadelphia Eagles, played @CLE

WRLaurent Robinson of the Jacksonville Jaguars, played  @MIN

WRTorrey Smith of the Baltimore Ravens, played CIN

TERob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots, played @TEN

KDavid Akers of the San Francisco 49ers, played @GNB


Weekly Results

Your Entry1380------------------------------13884.4

Where do I rank in the Bloggers Challenge? NUMBER TWO!
I didn't do too bad.. but could have done better, so I switched up some folk on my Roster for Week 2. 
We shall see how we do in Week 2 

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1 comment :

  1. My hubby plays FF and he loves it! I am starting to understand it after 6 years:-) Congrats on your nomination! Stop by @AllRoadsLeadtoHomeLove.blogspot.com


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