
Got A Question? : Anniversary Edition

In the midst of me having my daughter, my Blogiversary came and went.. 
Hello, Good Morning Sunshine - my life. my blog, is now 2 years old! 

I didn't get the chance to say thank you to those who have been reading since the beginning or close to the beginning. 

As a part of my LATE anniversary post, I am finally getting the chance to ask, "Any Questions?"
As I am getting back into the swing of things on the work and home front, I want to be able to make sure that I leave no stone unturned. 
So - if you have a question... about anything! (within reason of course), shoot me a quick email at Hellogmsunshine@gmail.com and I will answer all your questions in one large post at a later date. 

Have questions about favorite make up products, hair care, giving birth, fertility treatments, non-traditional things that worked in TTC, what a day in the life of a Parole Officer is like, what its like to be married to Amos, etc. whatever you want to know - just ask away!

Stay Warm!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment- I love to respond to you via email so make sure that you're not set to no-reply. Otherwise, check back here- I will try to reply as soon as I can. Trust me, I read them all. Thanks again.

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