
Monday's Musings: Columbus Day Music and Fun Times!

So, this weekend all started when once again I wanted to change my hair.. 
and by change my hair, I mean I decided to take the extensions out and straighten it by getting what is called a "Dominican Press" (all it is - blow drying your hair straight for a kinky texture done by Dominican hair stylist). It allows me to continue to be relaxer free! Team Natural here!

Honestly, I just wanted to see how long my natural hair had gotten since I chopped it off last summer. And BOY! I am very pleased with its growth! Keeping my hair braided under extensions is for the sheer purpose of growing my natural hair so that I don't have to always wear extensions.
To remind you, THIS is where I started last summer...
and THIS is how bad my fascination with changing my hair can be.

Ok, So let me get to the goodies of my weekend... 
First of all, there were too many MAN LAW VIOLATIONS that I came across this weekend. 

Case #1: Men, DO NOT wear your shorts this high. Why someone would let their father, husband, relative out the house like this to go to breakfast at Denny's I will never know.

Case # 2: Men, DO NOT wear a man-purse. I swear there are other ways to carry your personal belongings. THIS is not the way to go.

Case #3: Men, you CAN NOT get away with wearing a ladies' coat. Now, him I know personally and I know he was just kidding but this was too funny not to share. I guess he wants to channel James Brown on a good Sunday morning.

and Case #4: NO drooling in public... however, this little man can drool all he wants! cause he is so gosh darn cute. This is my "church baby" who is 4 months and hangs with "Auntie Jazz" every Sunday.

After spending the morning in Communion Service..

... heading home from Church, Hubby calls and says "Let's go to Philadelphia"... mind you I was gearing up for a MUCH NEEDED nap. But, we were gifted tickets to see the Kings Men Tour from one of the artists, so how could we say no! 

So, a quick change later... we were back on the road to Philadelphia

Of course, we couldn't go on an impromptu road trip without bringing a few friends along. 
Unfortunately, we didn't make it a good 30 mins from the house before we turned around and saw this: 

Some road trip buddies you guys are! LOL

The Kings Men Tour by far is one of THEE best Gospel Artist concerts I have been to.. 
Kirk Franklin, Donnie McClurkin, Marvin Sapp and Israel Houghton were amazing together and even Tye Tribbett was at the Philadelphia show.

I was so tickled by this runner... they should've known that at a concert - any concert but especially a Gospel Concert, folk were not going to be able to keep those aisles clear. We were dancing and shouting in the aisles the WHOLE night.

And don't even get me started on the girls who came down to sit in our floor seats and when there were FINALLY no more seats for them to steal, someone asked to see their tickets.. the usher looked at the tickets and said "You're seats are WAYYYY up there." I just shook my head. Like, really people?! you tried it.

So at the end of the concert, we went backstage to go catch up with a few of the artists and had a BALL talking the night away. THEN of course, we had to figure out how to get out of the arena and back to wear we started. And seeing as though at this point they had already started clearing out the seats and we were one of the last persons there.. it proved to be quite an adventure - a few wrong turns, stairwells and elevators later we made it back to the car. 

Also, this weekend was my Father's Birthday... 


I am now spending my Columbus Day in front of the fireplace, drinking coffee from my favorite cup in front of the fireplace.

How are you spending yours?!

Also, Don't forget to get my Husband's Single on this album to add to your collection. 

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miscellany monday at lowercase letters


  1. First your hair looks nice! I just recently chopped off my relaxed hair and I'm currently wigging it up until it grows back. Second, lol at those hot pants. Was he serious ewww

    1. Hi Emmy, yes I do know the feeling of wigging it up! you should read my 30 looks to 30 post. A few of my favorite wigs and weaves are in that post. Thanks for stopping by... and sadly yes, that man was serious.

  2. I like your hair! I'm also natural, and I'm wearing kinky twists until my hair grows just a little bit longer. Anyhoo... I'm stuck on that dude with the daisy dukes on. Ewwwwwww! lol And I saw a guy carrying a purse at Wal-Mart the other day. I was confused... lol

  3. Haha this post completely cracked me up!! Hilarious!

    I will never understand why I ever relaxed my hair since natural hair can be straighten. Ignorance is bliss, haha.

    Looks like a fun weekend!!

  4. This is the first time visiting you site. I am going to step out of my comfort zone and tell you I like your new hair style better.
    That man in the shorts….. Y.U.K! Did he look in the mirror and say "I look GOOD"????


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