
Friday's Letters: Howard Homecoming Edition

Thank God It's Friday... and these are my letters.

Dear Howard University, I LOVE THEE! My Alma Mater- the ONE school I applied to because I knew that was the ONLY place I wanted to go. It's Homecoming... time for us all to head back to "The Mecca". Some people hate on you or don't understand why you are so great. But those that have a degree from there and even those that pass through there understand your greatness - that university on a hilltop that we hold so dear to my heart. I hope to pass the legacy down to one of my children. My Great-grandparents met there, my great aunts went there, my mother went there and I did as well.. its home.

Dear Fellow Alumni, thank you for continuing to make me proud to say that I too was a Howard Bison.

Dear Delta Sigma Theta - Alpha Chapter, You better represent at the Homecoming Step Show. Be OWT my Sorors! 

Dear Alpha Phi Omega - Zeta Phi Chapter, Its Old Glory Gold and Royal Blue until I die. I love my Frat and my chapter. I rechartered this chapter in 2002 and its been 10 years and our chapter continues to great things for the Howard University Community. You definitely need to represent this year!
See... theres me to the right standing with the glasses on my head (to the right of the girl in the yellow dress). I assume this is 2008.

Dear Weather, I hope that you clear up. I wanted to be able to at least partake in some of the festivities, but you already know that if it continues to rain that I will not be doing anything whatsoever.

Dear Kevin Hart, I am so happy that I finally will get to see you live. You are HILARIOUS! and I was actually able to get some decent seats - so can't wait for that on saturday.

Dear Hubby, I do want to see Alex Cross too tonight. I hope that I can get a nap in so that I can hang tonight. I am also ready for our vacation at the end of the month. It will be nice to get away for a little bit.

Dear Scandal, once again you mess with my blood pressure. I don't know how you could be such a good show!

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1 comment :

  1. This is awesome! I love black love! Your blog is wonderful!!
    I am your newest follower, follow back??


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