
Friday's Letters

Don't you just love old people - pic via instagram

Dear Friday, We meet again! Oh there's much in store for this weekend and I CAN NOT WAIT!

Dear Readers, Get ready for an announcement on Monday! I can not wait to share!
Dear Ruth Chris Steakhouse, GET IN MY BELLY!

Dear Segway Tour through the District, Oh the fun we shall have!!!

Dear Job, I love you! Everything has been on the up and up! Please remain like this!

Dear Scandal, WHY must you have my blood pressure through the roof each week. The storylines just suck you right on in. Shonda, can we get to know a little more back story on Harrison (played by Columbus Short) please and thank you.

Dear Election Day, Please get here already... I am SO tired of the commercials.

Dear LFS, how DARE you! I will be writing a formal complaint for the way I was JUST treated. People need to realize that just because you are behind a phone does not mean you can treat people any kind of way.

Dear Blog Readers again, Click on the Home Button at least and stay awhile. See the latest of what I have been up to. Something brought you here - so I hope you click that follow button. Go ahead and comment, I don't bite, but I do try to respond to each one. I have done the Komen Walk for a close friend, went to Homecoming and talked about how I tweezed my eyebrow off and replaced it with a post-it.. Good stuff I tell you. LOL.

Dear Hubby, "We Breathe In Sync"

Dear Life, you're full of surprises and even when things get a bit overwhelming, I am just thankful that in you are persons who remind me that this is just a temporary feeling. I still believe this is the "Season of Yes!" so you may begin to be all that you can be right about now.

Dear Text-Enhance, where did you come from? Did I click a button for you to appear? I don't like it. How do I make it stop!!??

Dear God, Hear our prayers and open up a door.

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Newlywed Moments

1 comment :

  1. LOL I love the photo of the woman on the computer. I can SO see my mother doing that to her computer screen! Argh!!! Nooooooooo!
    Dropping by from the blog hop. :)


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