
Friday's Letters

Dear Friday's Letters, you may not have any pictures today because my phone doesnt want to send them to my email account.

So, Dear Readers, look over at my instagram feed to get a glimpse of just some of the photos that I was going to post today.

Dear Job, thanks for the walk/run event yesterday! Thanks to you I have walked the furthest that I have ever walked in a LONG time AND I got to see the Martin Luther King Memorial for the first time. You asked us to wear purple to honor Domestic Violence. Hope you didn't mind that my only purple shirt that I own is a Transformers T-shirt. I wore it with pride.

Dear Hubby, Countdown to more free time shall commence. I'll find some other things to get down around the house so that I don't get bored while you are busy at work.

Dear Little Sister, TOMM is your BIRTHDAY!!! WOO-HOO! I wonder what you are going to do to celebrate in NYC. I hope to be able to get up there really soon. Had I planned better, I would've been there this weekend.

Dear Joe Biden, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS and the outright giggle fest last night!

(oh look a picture! via)

Oh and in case you forgot or just didn't know..
Dear DMV!, Orioles and Nats WIN!, Steelers LOSE!
Have a great weekend!

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  1. Haha! Love the pic of Biden. lol

    Here via Friday's Letters.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Sarah :: Your Plucky Picaroon

  2. oh his laughing and smirks got on my nerves! haha

  3. Nothing better than when the Steelers lose!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. Here's a girl after my own heart-- Go O's, baby! So exciting!!!


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