
It's Friday and I got Plans!

After this lull of just doing little things here and there - FINALLY!
Thank God It's Friday!

I have never been so ready to see a single day in my life!
It's Friday- the kick off to my entire weekend!
After slaving away loafing at my desk all week, finally I get some reprieve.
And in case you don't know - I work 9 hour days so I can have off every other Monday and work from home the other Mondays.
This Tuesday - Friday work week is not something I am ever willing to give up.
And unfortunately, due to the Congress taking advantage of the fact that by them not setting a budget and how it doesn't affect their pay - they don't realize for the rest of us it does. Therefore, they are taking their sweet precious time getting back to budget talks.
My husband felt the effects of it when he was returning home from Miami last week and was delayed an hour, all because of furloughed Tower workers.
How does the furlough effect me?
It's giving me more Fridays off.
Each month, on the second Friday of the month I will be furloughed- great to be off / pissed to not be getting paid. And this will last until September. Luckily for me my Grade increase comes in October so its like making up for what I lost over the summer with my new income and bonus for excellent achievement at work.
So, in the month of May - I will be Furloughed Friday the 10th, then Friday the 17th & Friday the 24th our building will be closed. Can we say 3 day work weeks for the next three weeks! God is smiling on me and my sanity!
So how shall we kick off this particular Friday?
Starts tonight with a Birthday dinner for a good friend in Chinatown D.C. at
Can we say YUM!!!!
Then of course Saturday Mornings are Pamper Me Days for my husband and I: so haircuts, manis & pedis are on deck.
But Saturday Afternoon, its all about THIS:
If want to know one thing about me and Amos: we see MOST movies on opening weekend as long as its not a scary movie (just not interested) but we literally could go to the movies all day!
It has always been our thing!
So I am VERY excited about that.
Then on Sunday: Strap me down from all the excitement!
I am headed to NYC BAY-BEE for:
THIS is like the Make Up Artists' Candyland my friends.
I am SO excited. This will be my first professional show.
Mind you, I have been a freelancing product junkie for a while now, but this-
this show is where I get all my pro cards and discounts all upfront. I am going to be in LOVE.
I have been saving for this show!
Seriously look at the prices on these quality brushes- I can't even wait to see the techniques and make up! My husband is going to have to get me a new vanity because it seriously is not all going to fit!
Also while in New York, I will get to see my sister and my Mom and Dad will be in town also- so we will ride the train home together. I haven't seen them in a while, so this will definitely be a well-rounded trip!
Can't wait until the weekend gets started!
See you Monday where I hope I can recap all of the fun things.

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  1. Furlough's sound like a mixed bag. Good to have the time off but not good having to get less money. Enjoy your fun weekend!

  2. I also saw Iron Man 3 on opening and I loved it ;) I am waiting now for Fast and Furious

    New follower from Aloha Friday Blog HOP ;)
    Hope you will follow back



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