
Friday - got Nothing!

Yes this is what my office looks like... Yes I make ignorant signs to keep people from meddling

After I was out of work for a week, I have been doing lots of catch up at work this week. 
Luckily a great portion of my caseload was covered while I was gone. 
I did discover a whole box of files that I didn't expect though so the most of my days will be spent organizing and filing. 
Oh how I wish I could hire my own intern. 
I just need a bored teenager to come and hole punch and collate. 

Either who, I for once have nothing planned for the weekend. 
I am sure we may go see a movie, but we may not do anything this weekend. 
It's a go with the flow kinda weekend.

I thought about how I really didn't have much to blog about this week - I guess its the calm before the storm because I swear we always have something going on. 
This morning I was entertained by my husband who loves to put on dramatic presentations - literally I live with a drama king.

Oh wait, I just remembered my parents will be here this weekend - that will be something. 
They will be home every weekend this month and its mommy's birthday during Memorial Day Weekend - so in a few short days there will be much to celebrate. 

Sorry this was literally a random stream of thought - its all I got on this here Friday.

Oh you best believe, I will be sneaking away to get a Powerball ticket! Good luck!

Honestly, I think my brain is fried from the Scandal Season Finale!
Anyone else?

Hope you enjoy your weekend. 

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1 comment :

  1. I played the PowerBall, too. Actually, it's my first time ever playing. My hubby and I are celebrating our first wedding anniversary, so I bought him five tickets to keep with the theme of "paper" for our 1st anniversary.

    And Scandal . . . I can't. I'm still reliving that "Dad?!?" moment over and over in my head.

    Have a great weekend!


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