
6 Weeks Pregnancy Update

April 23, 2013
6 weeks 3 days
So today I can honestly say that this Pregnancy has been a blessing in more ways then one. Like I really feel like God was listening to me through all those years of specific pregnancy prayers. I can say that so far, I have had minimal pregnancy symptoms. So much so that I took a pregnancy test just to make sure I was still pregnant because I feel so normal.
And yes, it was still VERY positive.

I am still able to hide it at work but a few more people know at church. So far everyone we have told has been so happy and borderline ecstatic for us. We never really spoke in conversations with people about our previous infertility struggles. People figured we were just that couple that planned everything out and was waiting for us to start having children.
Trust, we were waiting, but we were waiting more on God's timing for us to have children.
It was tough being harassed on a consistent basis by people who just wanted to see me with children to benefit to them, its just that's what they thought would be the swift thing to do since we got married. I am glad that it happened when it did because it gives us more of a sensibility about it all and less overwhelmed with marriage and baby adjustments.

So how do I feel today: Hopeful.
Trying to curb my boredom and impatience because I have a good 33 weeks ahead of me.
I am going to take advantage of these next 6 weeks because I know come 2nd Trimester it will be full steam ahead planning and 3rd Trimester will be implementation of plans and rest.

What I do find to be cool is that as time is passing, I am finding out that several other people I know are also pregnant. Its going to be fun being able to experience this with them and raise our babies together. I wonder who's next? because I know I am not the last.

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