
7 Weeks Pregnant Update

April 23, 2013
6 weeks 3 days

So today I can honestly say that this Pregnancy has been a blessing in more ways then one. Like I really feel like God was listening to me through all those years of specific pregnancy prayers. I can say that so far, I have had minimal pregnancy symptoms. So much so that I took a pregnancy test just to make sure I was still pregnant because I feel so normal.
And yes, it was still VERY positive.

I am still able to hide it at work but a few more people know at church. So far everyone we have told has been so happy and borderline ecstatic for us. We never really spoke in conversations with people about our previous infertility struggles. People figured we were just that couple that planned everything out and was waiting for us to start having children.
Trust, we were waiting, but we were waiting more on God's timing for us to have children.
It was tough being harassed on a consistent basis by people who just wanted to see me with children to benefit to them, its just that's what they thought would be the swift thing to do since we got married. I am glad that it happened when it did because it gives us more of a sensibility about it all and less overwhelmed with marriage and baby adjustments.

So how do I feel today: Hopeful.
Trying to curb my boredom and impatience because I have a good 33 weeks ahead of me.
I am going to take advantage of these next 6 weeks because I know come 2nd Trimester it will be full steam ahead planning and 3rd Trimester will be implementation of plans and rest.

What I do find to be cool is that as time is passing, I am finding out that several other people I know are also pregnant. Its going to be fun being able to experience this with them and raise our babies together. I wonder who's next? because I know I am not the last.

April 26, 2013

This week my favorite meals have been : EVERYTHING
Increased Appetite has definitely kicked in. 

Becoming my go-to food is : Chicken Pot Pie Soup
Due to all the sinus aches, its really helping with my sore throats and a cold compress is helping with the pain I feel in my nose. 
My back up go-to food has been Papa John's Pizza - but when they take too long to deliver then I feel straight horrible. You my dear raspberry sized babe do not like to wait for food. When you are hungry you are definitely hungry. 

Becoming anxious and wish I had a see-through uterus. 
Next Doctor's Appointment is at 8 weeks. 

Amos has been a real source of entertainment - he refuses to read any baby books and really just wants to learn as we go along, but he hilariously asked me "so when does the baby start kicking?" I said your baby doesn't even have legs yet, you have a while. Poor thing. LOL
Then he asked me, so when will the baby get really big then. I had to tell him it won't be until much later. I think he just realized that these days go by so slow and that it really will be like watching paint dry during this first trimester.

May 1, 2013 - 
7 weeks 4 Days

I can no longer say NO Morning Sickness
Boy that thing hits you like none other because for me it didn't happen any where near the morning. 
Maybe my body thought that it was the morning because I had just taken a nap when I had gotten home from work. I decided that I would eat my go-to food: Chicken Pot Pie Soup. 
Yeah literally within the second that I finished my last bite,  it decided that it wanted to come right back up - thank God I still had the bowl in my hand. 

Now what do I eat? 
I am scared to eat anything. 
Maybe I will try a bowl of cheese grits for dinner - although maybe I should stay away from dairy. 

In other news, today was the first day that I had to call the Doctor. 
I felt like I am catching a cold and wanted to know what medicines they deemed to be safe. 
I described my symptoms to Nurse Myra and she was so nice to me. She said "you could have a spring cold, but it could just be baby." She said when you are pregnant it can make your body feel like you have a cold. She did tell me what I could take but said I would probably feel better if I drank plenty of water. 

I grabbed the nearest bottle of water and chugged away - felt better immediately. 
Thanks Nurse Myra.

Today we are 12 weeks entering week 13.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday.
I promise I will be documenting other things besides my pregnancy, but I just have 12 weeks of posts that I have saved so bare with me over the next week or so.

Thanks so much for all the congrats and well wishes. We are truly grateful to be living this miracle.
Have a wonderful weekend!

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6 Weeks Pregnancy Update

April 23, 2013
6 weeks 3 days
So today I can honestly say that this Pregnancy has been a blessing in more ways then one. Like I really feel like God was listening to me through all those years of specific pregnancy prayers. I can say that so far, I have had minimal pregnancy symptoms. So much so that I took a pregnancy test just to make sure I was still pregnant because I feel so normal.
And yes, it was still VERY positive.

I am still able to hide it at work but a few more people know at church. So far everyone we have told has been so happy and borderline ecstatic for us. We never really spoke in conversations with people about our previous infertility struggles. People figured we were just that couple that planned everything out and was waiting for us to start having children.
Trust, we were waiting, but we were waiting more on God's timing for us to have children.
It was tough being harassed on a consistent basis by people who just wanted to see me with children to benefit to them, its just that's what they thought would be the swift thing to do since we got married. I am glad that it happened when it did because it gives us more of a sensibility about it all and less overwhelmed with marriage and baby adjustments.

So how do I feel today: Hopeful.
Trying to curb my boredom and impatience because I have a good 33 weeks ahead of me.
I am going to take advantage of these next 6 weeks because I know come 2nd Trimester it will be full steam ahead planning and 3rd Trimester will be implementation of plans and rest.

What I do find to be cool is that as time is passing, I am finding out that several other people I know are also pregnant. Its going to be fun being able to experience this with them and raise our babies together. I wonder who's next? because I know I am not the last.

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5 Weeks Pregnant Update

April 13, 2013 - 5 weeks pregnant

Today I got my HCG (the pregnancy hormone) numbers back from the blood work that I took at my first OB appointment. HCG was 1792 and my Progesterone was 23.2. What does that mean? That means viable pregnancy!!

I am completely full of energy this week. 
Monday we went to the gym and I worked making sure to maintain the recommended heart rate that the doctor told me to. 
Is it sad that I have never been more body conscious and weight conscious until I found out I was pregnant. It was cool to go to the gym here and there when I was the blame for my weight. But now with this inevitable weight gain, I feel like I am one extra snack of Oreos away from looking like Kim Kardashian does. 

Luckily baby, you have allowed me to get more sleep then I did the first week I found out you existed. Those stomach cramps were the pain in BUTT!
and per usual, your Daddy is one cute ball of excitement.

He told our neighbors about you while we were out doing yard work - and of course they are so excited for us.

A wave of exhaustion hit me and I apologized to Amos for not making dinner because I definitely pulled out everything to get it started and then laid down and went to sleep for hours.
Luckily, he cooked dinner for me because I was starving when I woke up and said the right thing, "no need to apologize hunny, your pregnant with our baby." THANKS .. cause honestly I do forget sometimes and I feel like the least I can contribute to our household is cooking my husband dinner.

Baby, your Dad keeps fussing at me on a daily basis about NOT eating enough. I keep telling him that I am really no more hungry then I was before I was expecting. However, that answer is not good enough for him. Grant it he is probably right but I have quit snacking for so long that I really have no desire to increase my intake.
I will though for the sake of not being fussed at by Amos. So - off to make me a bowl of cereal.

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Man, we are so overwhelmed with how many people responded with congrats and well wishes since we made our great announcement yesterday.
So as you can imagine, I have so many posts that I have been saving that I have been wanting to share.
So, over the next few days you can see what we have been up to these last 12 weeks or so.


April 11, 2013 - 9:35 p.m.

So, yeah that whole keeping it a secret for the next 3 months went out the window. My excited first time daddy done told his office staff and his choirs and his bands. Grant it, I get why - sadly, a close friend of ours lost their first baby at 22 weeks the very next day after we found out we were expecting. It just weighs so heavy on my husbands mind that telling people allows us to solicit so many more prayers for our little sunshine. 

That doesn't mean that I don't get to tease him greatly. 
Amos went to a birthday dinner, while I stayed home to relax because since I suspected I was pregnant I have been dealing with some really strong "growing pain" cramps. 
So what better time then to put my feet up, take my prenatals and drink my water. 

In other news, 
Today was my first OB appt. 
Met with Dr. Dunham today - she was really nice and asked all of questions.
She described what happened to me as a "spontaneous pregnancy" in between fertility treatments because we conceived naturally.
It was a fairly simple appointment to just confirm pregnancy. 
I got my blood taken and my next two appointments - the next in 4 weeks for more blood work. 
Also I got the appointment for my first sonogram - May 30th!
I get to see my little sunshine then. 
Trust me its going to be super tough, feeling the growth but not being able to see. 
I wish it was sooner but I will be patient. 

Luckily, my parents will actually be in town from Dallas so they will get to be here for that part. I am sure my sister may come down from New York. They are so excited for the first grandbaby.
My husbands family is equally excited because he is the baby of the family and they haven't had a baby in the family in a while. 

Well, thats about it for now... out of no where my stomach is starting to kill me greatly.

April 12, 2013 - 12:08 p.m.
Today, I used the first "you're baby wants..." on Amos.
Honestly, I just did it to see his reaction. Even if it were just me asking, I am sure he would've still made me a smoothie just because he is sweet when he wants to.

I go to bed so early now. But I never sleep through the night.
I woke up at 1 a.m. just because I was hungry and hot.
I stayed for quite a bit watching Jimmy Fallon.
Still, I get up at my normal time and never tired.
So that's been the bonus.

Amos wants to take me to the movies around 10 tonight. I really hope that I can stay awake for it.


Well, I did it - I stayed awake.
Definitely went to bathroom in the 15 mins twice before the movie even started though. Welp, guess that makes it official.
We saw 42 - The Jackie Robinson Story
To have to go through what he went through as a Black Man is so honorable.

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Holiday Family, Fun & Surprises

SO - yesterday we celebrated my mother's birthday along with Memorial Day. 
Today is her actual birthday: Happy Birthday MOM!

My parents are rarely in town during her birthday so we wanted to make it super special. 
We gave my mother her first Pandora bracelet and she was so excited she has been texting me since she left about how much she loves it and how she can't wait to add even more charms to it. 

So yesterday was filled with family, lots of fun and laughs and definitely some surprises. 
Here's the back story to the surprises:

April 9, 2013 - 4:41p.m.

I have to write this now because I want to remember exactly what I am feeling right now.
I truly think I am pregnant.
I am so scared - like terrified. I could've verified whether or not I am pregnant by now and in the past have taken numerous tests by this point, which by the way - I am two days late (17 days past ovulation). I have just had so much hope in the past (not to mention have been late before) and SO many symptoms that I am truly hoping that I am right instead of easily taking that test and seeing that blank stick of negative per usual taunting me.

Why now though?
Well, it started a few days ago.
I guess I should say that in the MANY MANY months that I have been trying to get pregnant, I have been looking for that tale tell sign that I heard so much about- that "take your breath away" type of cramps (implantation, round ligament pains, etc.).
Either way, a few days ago... that happened and has continued to happen for the last five days or so.
I am trying to play it so cool at home, but I complain about my stomach hurting so much that my husband even said "its because you're pregnant".
I only hate that he senses something is up because I always dreamt of surprising him with some special way to tell him that I was pregnant, which is also the reason why I haven't tested because if I test while he is home and its positive, I really will not be able to contain my emotions.

So yes, with sore boobs and cramps galore among so many other things.
Today. I can finally say.
I think I am Pregnant.

It is so funny to me, because if it happens to be the case I know exactly when we conceived. It was on the last night of Easter Production. The show closed. I packed up my make up gear and one of our married friends from the cast came to visit and said jokingly "oh you look so pretty, he is going to take you home and y'all are going to make babies." She has such a sweet spirit and when I say truly anointed because I said if in fact that happens, I shall call you prophetess - joking because for the most part no in our real lives know our situation. (re: unexplained infertility)

Leave it to me to believe her none because I told you that I went to go see a new fertility specialist this month and even began genetic testing.
I called my insurance company, got the pre-approval and even travelled to a different state to get a second opinion. She suggested that instead of pills that I used to be on, that I take a more aggressive approach and do straight injections followed by insemination.
I had hoped that I would not be needed her services, but I wanted to have a plan in place.
So, here I am a little over a week later....

I am really hoping I am not jinxing myself by even hoping and reading too much into how I feel, but you have to understand this is something that we have been praying for and trying for the last 2 years and 8 months to the day.

God please let this be the answer to my prayers.
"For this child, I have prayed..."

 April 10, 2013 - 11:22 a.m.

So yesterday, I came home from work around 7:30pm. The weather was amazing! The entire neighborhood was out walking and taking advantage of the weather. Amos was still at the gym. I am sure that I am getting on his nerves texting him about when he was coming home.
As soon as I pull up to my house, my neighbor and my neighbor/co-worker were standing outside watching their children play together - ironically the kids happen to be cousins.
Either who, I caught up with my co-worker who is expecting and complimented her on how cute she looked preggers and then wished her luck as she was going to be finding out the gender of her baby on Monday.

It was time to water the lawn, but I couldn't get out of my head all these thoughts about how my body is feeling and how it feels just different then any other time.
I finally convinced myself t that it was time to take a pregnancy test.
At this point, the results would not change one way or the other.
So I bit the bullet, went in the house and took the test.

I took the test and watched the dye cross the test. I said "OMG I am pregnant... and was in a way saying it like I didn't believe it, slightly wishing it to come to true and at the same time noticed that the first line never faded. I hopped up and said Oh.My.GOD. I. AM. PREGNANT!

Immediately I was in shock. I kept saying it out loud until it hit me:
"Oh My God, I am Pregnant!"
I stood at the sink staring at the undeniable two pink lines.
Then I cried and I worshipped.
I promised God if he answered my prayer that I would be so thankful and immediately thankful I was. I cried and cried and was in shock and worshipped God just for how amazing he is!

And took a digital pregnancy test so that there was no question. I was even nervous even taking that test. But sure enough, less then a minute it read: PREGNANT.

I had to calm myself down...
Now, how to tell my husband.

I kept texting him - "Are you done at the gym?"
He I'm sure was annoyed at this point.
I said "Just let me know when you are on the way"

I headed to Target to find something cute.
I found this card:

SO then, I waited for him to come home.
I placed it up on the kitchen counter because I knew he would come home wanting to juice.
So as soon as he comes home, he says "Babe, Your husband has a lot on his plate."
I am thinking "Oh God, this may not be the right time to tell him anything that may take him out of here."
So he gets to telling me the rundown of his day.
So then I said to him, "I got you something to motivate you to tell you keep up the good work since you have been doing so good lately."
He said, "Let me make my smoothie first"
I said, "No, open it now. You know how I am. I have been dying to see your face."

So he opens the card...

And he smiles at the cover of the card
then face goes blank as he reads the inside of the card.
I say "are you ok?"
He bends over and cries.
I was so happy to see that he was just as in shock and had the same reaction I did.

It settled in as the night went on.
My sister knew first and in our new traditional fashion we communicated through texting animated GIFs. 
Me: Hey sis, I have some news for you.. So... found out that I am pregnant! 
You're going to be an Auntie! 
Sis: OMG! Are you SURE?!

Me: YUP!

I am dropping it likes its hot in Harlem!

Me: OMG you are crazy. 
Sis: The boy (her Boyfriend) just asked why am I moving like that in Harlem. I HAD to tell him your news. But he is the only one ok. 
Me: Sure. 
Sis: This is you and Amos. 


Then we tried to call my parents but the phones were acting crazy.
So we called my sister in law first.

Amos told her to go somewhere where she is by herself.
She goes to the garage.
We are making small talk, talking about their other sisters birthday party in New York next month and our nephews surgery that's coming up.
Then Amos says "Jasmine has something to tell you."
I literally said "I'm..."
And she started SCREAMING "THANK YOU JESUS!!!!"

I was cracking up! I swear this is exactly how she looked in my head based in her reaction. 
After she calmed down she prayed for us and covered our baby in prayer.
 Did I tell you that they have been waiting for their baby brother to have a baby since we got married almost three years ago and have been asking on a regular basis?

Later that night, my mom calls my husbands phone back.
We told her that we have something to tell her.
I teased her by saying that we did our taxes.
Then said "Oh and we are expecting."
She says "Awww... you're pregnant."
My mom sounded like she was SO happy.
I wish I could've seen her face.
In my head THIS is what she looked like, but was playing it cool since its still early. 

She was away at a Leadership Retreat with her Presiding Elders.
She told the Elders, get two things that you want God to work on while you are here.
She said one of her two things were "Speak life into my children's lives"
She said "Our calling today was God answering her prayer."
Of course I am fighting back all kinds of tears.

This will be my parents first grandbaby.
I told my mom, who you know is super busy to clear her calendar after Thanksgiving through December. She says "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Heaven and Hell can pass away and I wouldn't miss this for the world!"

So.. as you can imagine, we are so excited.

I was going to share next week but after being outted by one excited grandmother-to-be at a mega church in the area and to those who were watching online like myself, I figured everyone will soon know so why not tell them in my own way. 

Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day.

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Bring it On 4 day Weekend!

Last Night at the last minute I decided to accompany my husband to a gig he had to play for in Vienna, VA at this place called Jammin' Java. He plays in a band for a new artist named Kenny Kolhaas.
When he called to say he was 7 min away from picking me up so that we can take that hour drive to the show, I hopped out of the bed and had to some quick make-up.

My tip for quick make up is, when you can't put on your whole face, draw in your eyebrows, use some black eyeliner and find the brightest lip you can find. Less is more on the eye when you have a poppin' lip.
The shadow you see on my eye is literally the dark MAC pressed powder that I use as blush.

We hopped in the car and we were off!

Ok, so we were both starving by the time we got there... I gave in to food I have not had in so long - and it was SOOOOOO good.
Meet: The Reuben Dog - topped with sauerkraut, russian dressing, cheese and a sprinkle of celery salt. Can I just say that these things were AMAZING!

Here are a few pics from the show:

This weekend is a 4-day Holiday Weekend!
I am so excited because there are so many things planned for this weekend and upcoming week!
Its my mom's birthday weekend as well and for the first time in a long time she will actually be home to celebrate it.

My plan is to take her out to one of my favorite spots in Riva, Maryland to eat crabs while overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. Awesome view and SO relaxing.
And if I feel like it, I may even go grab a swim cap and go to the new pool that just opened up in my neighborhood! I LOVE the water. Everyday on our honeymoon I was mostly in the pool, all day long. My husband on the other hand is not a water baby.

I hope you have an awesome Memorial Day Holiday Weekend.

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The Baby Bachelor

Most times I can barely stay awake to see Jimmy Kimmel, but when I stumbled across these, I couldn't help but to share because these are so cute and funny... honestly I can't wait until the next episode.

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What having no plans for the Weekend gets Me

I've been such a space cadet lately. I meant to recap my weekend on Monday. It's now Wednesday - oh well.
I started off not having a whole lot of plans for the weekend, which then morphed into having so many plans it kind of made me tired and unmotivated to do anything else for the next few days.

I have always wanted to share my stories of getting a Dominican Press.
In the spirit of keeping it real - ladies like myself who are "natural" (relaxer free) at times will go get their hair pressed out by Domincan women because for some reason the combination of rollers and the heat from their blow dryer gives ethnic hair the perfect blow out.
Sadly, it is a well known fact that Domincans do NOT know how to style hair - so expect to leave less then enthusiastic with your new 'do and always carve out some time to go home before you have to go somewhere after getting your hair pressed.

Case in point:
This was post-rollers about to get blown out-

I then said, just give me big curls. I left looking like this - "thanks lady"... my face says it all.

Went home, wrapped my hair and thankfully had some body and bounce with my fresh press and I was a happy camper. The only downside is this rainy weather we keep having. Rain and Natural hair do not mix! I was praying the whole day that my hair didn't revert to curly.

On Sunday, a street in Baltimore was named after my Great-Grandmother.
It was such an exciting time for our family.
Special thanks to our sorors of Delta Sigma Theta, Baltimore Area chapters for making this happen.

Me and my little cousin Paige

Me and my cousin Qiana holding the Proclamation that was written in Great Grandmothers honor

The rope broke when they tried to pull the sign cover down so my Cousin sean had to be hoisted up there to take it down

My mother (center), and her 1st cousins, Rev. Marie (left) and Rev. Toni (right)

All my family that was there.

Also this weekend, we attended a co-ed baby shower for our good friends and neighbors who expecting their second little boy.

We really had a great time and V did an awesome job with her Baby Shower decorations and putting together that awesome candy and cookie bar.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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