
Shoutout: My Mom Spoke at the DNC 2012

I am so very proud of my mother and I had to share the excitement with you. There are moments in my life that I can look back and say that I have been proud of my mother for reason or another, but I have to admit that seeing her give the Crendentials Report at the Democratic National Convention this year has to be at the top of the lengthy list.

It makes such a grand moment in the scheme of the Elections of the Presidency of the United States such a personal one for me, a family moment so to speak. I can honestly say that I remember helping my mom shop for this special day. Calling, her getting the play by play and telling her that we will be excited to see her on TV yet again. DVRing every broadcast that would be airing so that we would be able to watch it over and over again.

Democrat or Republican matter not... my mom definitely represented for her Family, her church (being an AME Bishop, on a national platform as such), her sorority, her delegation and women every where on a stage that I can honestly say has not been opened for such in the past.

She co-chaired the Credentials Committee along with Mayor Julian Castro.
I wish I could've been there to see it in person, but you best believe that I was sitting at home standing in front of the television like I was standing on the delegation floor.

Mom, this post is for you! I love you and once again... SO VERY PROUD.
My mom rocks!

And today, she is praying for the close of the business session around 5pm so tune in!

And no worries, this blog is not about to be the place where I want to discuss politics... this is not what this is about.. this is just a post about a job well done.

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  1. I'm happy for you and your mom!!! I know this had to be an awesome feeling!!!!

  2. Wow! That's soooo cool!!!!!

  3. That is so exciting! What an honor! Congratulations to your mom, she is an incredible woman!


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