
Friday's Letters

It is Friday, thus here are just a few of my letters this week....

First.. Dear Scandal, oh my sweet baby Jesus. You are a GREAT SHOW! when Mr. President said "You are Ornamental - Not Functional!" I think a collective hush came over my Twitter timeline. That was better then finding out who Quinn really was to me. Heck, besides her name I still don't really know WHO she is- just what she was acused of doing. I guess that's where they were going with that one. 

Dear Greys Anatomy, talk about backwards. I guess Eric really wanted out of his contract because y'all are going to show the whole story next week. BACKWARDS! we already clearly saw how it ended.

Dear Glee, I tried to record you and Greys and at the same time watch the Ravens Game (since our REFs are back) and umm you lost out on the DVR battle so I will have to watch you online or on demand over the weekend.


Dear Edible Arrangements Truck, I was really hoping that you were stopping by my house. I really did almost get excited and then you stopped just short :(

Dear Readers, I don't know if you have seen the show Parole Diaries on TV One, but if you ever want a glimpse of what I do there you go. I swear if they followed me and my partner around you would be entertained for days! The things that we see.. like Baby Aligators in fish tanks in hood homes in D.C. - I'm just saying. There is never a dull moment!

Dear MPD Cadets, I get so tickled when they make yall go out there and do traffic training. It's just so intense- for no reason. Yet, so entertaining for me. We kept passing you guys and I just kept laughing so hard at your Sgt. teaching you how to flex your hand just so.

Dear Man in the cropped T-shirt, THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me the laugh of my life! I will never be able to thank you enough for choosing this as your outfit.

Dear Hubby, hmmm we haven't been to the movies lately... we must remedy that, but in the meantime.. this weekend is all about house work and finally finishing our laundry room and I am so excited.

Dear Body, THANK YOU! Amen.

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  1. Love this feature. Your letters were great! Thanks for sharing :) Started following you via Return the Favor hop.

    xo, Adriana.

  2. stopping by from the GFC hop! your newest follower! can't wait to hear from you :)


  3. I haven't done Friday's letters in so long. I need to get on the ball and do them.


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