
Happy 33rd Birthday my Love

In case you didn't know or realize. It's my husband's birthday. It is his 33rd Birthday. 
It's one that in my book puts him in the "over" part of the "30 and over" club. 

I have known this guy since he was 25 years old. 
I can say that he has truly matured and has gotten better with age. 
I am so excited for his birthday today!

So ... I am going to take some time to go hang out with the Birthday Boy while we have some time. 

Dear Hubby, I pray that this year brings you the best of your wildest dreams. I hope that 33 from its first minute is better then 32 has ever been ... and I have to admit life became really good for 32. 
You are truly a gift.  

We have already celebrated with a BBQ yesterday for Labor Day/ Early Birthdays usually for both of us but this time, it was all for you. You deserve to not have to celebrate every birthday with me. 

via instagram

LOL, clearly this is not how we BBQ'd but boy it would've just added to the laughs that we had last night if this was how we would've had to cook our food. 

Happy Birthday Love of my Life!.. and many more.

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1 comment :

  1. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby! I saw that bbq cart pic on Facebook a few days ago, and it had me LOLing!


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