
Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I get up early to try to make it to work on time.
Always: I make it to work 30 minutes late.

Sometimes: I wear make up and do my hair to go to work just because I feel up to it that day.
Always: I wish like I felt up to it everyday.

Sometimes: I wish I could go back and enjoy my college days all over again.
Always: It feels better to be done with school.

Sometimes: I sit back and think about all of the accomplishments and goals I have achieved in such a short time.
Always: I understand how much I am blessed and I am thankful.

Sometimes: I struggle with opening up and trying to make new friends.
Always: I am grateful for the ones that I have opened up to and who honestly get me.

Sometimes: I sit on the couch with hubby and watch mind numbing shows like Toddlers and Tiara and the Bachelorette, just because.
Always: I say I am going to work out instead and that fails.

Sometimes:  There is not a picture that goes with a blog post.
Always: I will throw a random one in there for a good measure.

Happy Tuesday!

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  1. I always think about reliving my college days, I had way too much fun. But then I think about the actual work and lack of sleep and I come back to reality

    1. I know right! thats totally what brings me back also!

  2. Those shows always seem to call my name over working out! Something about them sucks me in, haha.

    1. I almost ashamed at how much I get sucked in sometimes.. but its fun to laugh at that stuff. LOL

  3. You are so much like me!!
    Only I still have to work myself through some exams and one more year of college, boooh!

    1. Awww... well you can look back on it soon then. Thanks for reading

  4. I have the same problem with everything in life, getting up extra early, or ready before hand and still being late! AHHH! Let me know if you find a good solution to this problem we have ! Enjoyed your list today!

    1. Today. I did it again. Late. but said tomm I will get out the bed 30 mins earlier. Wish me luck!

  5. Yep, you and me both Jasmine. We have so much in common. My husband jokes and says I should cut my hair off since it's always in a ponytail.

    1. LOL. he is always trying to hint to me when I should change it up. Hence me being blonde right now. SMH these men we married. haha


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