Dear Mom and Dad, this trip thus far has been so much fun! Our accommodations for this conference has been excellent. Mom we saw Shrek walking around the hotel.. you didn't want to take this photo but you were such a great sport when I laughed so hard while I took this.. Come to find out you were really excited to see Shrek after all.
Dear Hubby, I miss you so much and can't wait until you make it to Tennessee. I have been indulging in my favorite past time while you weren't here - shopping. Babe, these are by Gucci ... lets put these on my running list of things that I want ok? Thanks!
Dear Starbucks, I miss thee! Since I have been here, I have not had my daily doses of coffee... All this walking around the conference center is wearing me out. Although, I would love to have one of those cupcakes... guess I need to make those soon.
Dear Blog Readers, I am presently enjoying my trip and miss being able to sit for hours and catch up on some reading but I am in meetings from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep. However, this trip is definitely worth it.
Dear Nashville, TN, why are you so hot!?
Dear Nerves, I am sorry that someone got on you with the incompetent persons who were around you. We will try to better with not getting upset or irritated.
Dear Miami Heat, THANK YOU FOR WINNING THE CHAMPIONSHIP! God KNOWS that my husband would not have been able to take that disappointment. You have done a good job!
I sure hope you bought those shoes! haha. CUTE!