
Fun with Chef Hubs-R-Dee

So before I left work yesterday, Hubs sent me a text saying he was going to the grocery store to get what is going to be for dinner. Consider me ecstatic! Its been a few instances where we actually cook in the kitchen together, but last night the hubs felt inspired.
That's my "I'm so happy you feel like cooking" face up there.

I guess I need to get him some BBQ favorites because thats about the only time he will really hop to it- anything that involves the grill and he is there!

Being the blogger that I am... I whip out the iPhone and say "Oh I need to capture this!"
It's proof that the hubs DOES cook for me!

This is him giving me the "I can not believe that you are really going to take a picture of me seasoning meat" face...

I said "What?!" with that cute little wife smile of mines and thankfully he really got into it..

So, he finished the marinade and said "Capture this.. I am an Artist"

After I picked myself off the floor from crying laughing at him... I snapped the picture.

It was a perfect night to watch the NBA Finals...
Here in this house, we are Team Heat!
Hubs lived in Florida for a good while and my Daddy is from there so it works for me!

So what they lost... that's why its a series.. however, I am not mad because Kevin Durant is from our hometown.

So.. of course we needed a great NBA Finals Watching Meal: Dry Rub Ribs prepared by Chef Hubs-R-Dee and Fried Plantains (his Haitian side rubs off on me at times), Cold Pasta (u know the kind with Italian Dressing) and some Deviled Eggs... just like a mini BBQ!

Just because she is so gosh darn cute and for good measure.. Here is my God-child wearing a Birthday Present for her Godparents (us of course).. and snacking watching her favorite shows.. she is getting so big.

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