
Its my DELTAversary

is the day that I crossed the burning sands into Delta Land.
I am so excited to celebrate my Deltaversary with my Line Sisters this weekend. Life has definitely gotten in the way of some bonding time and so our little get together is much needed.
I have always wanted to be a Delta my whole life.
In some ways, I had no choice (LOL)
However, the moment I chose to pledge and the moment I was accepted - it was a match made in heaven. I am a proud Delta Women.

Happy Anniversary to my Line Sisters
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
From Yours Truly,
#18 - Destiny's Child

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  1. Congratulations. I have always wanted to do something like that.

  2. So awesome! Congrats!

    You look gorgeous in red!

  3. Happy deltaversery!!! You look great in crimson! : )

  4. you look beautiful :) love that your name is "Destiny's Child" haha


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