Well when I saw that flash across my phone for some reason I was SO happy for Jimmy Fallon. Clearly it was being hinted to for weeks but something about the fact that it is now official is exciting. Don't get me wrong, I like Jay Leno - I used to stay up and watch at least his monologue before I went to sleep but if I was really feeling risqué I would stay up and watch Jimmy. I like Jay, but I LOVE Jimmy Fallon. He is freakin hilarious!
I really hope that he doesn't go away from his format just because its "The Tonight Show". I am really hoping that he keeps all of his Late Night antics... one in particular: Thank You Notes.
In honor of Jimmy getting the big promotion, I bring to you my Friday Letters Thank You Notes.
Thank You:
For being a morning person when I am definitely a grump in the morning. Your annoying cheer really gets me going in the morning and then you fall right back asleep. Perhaps you can give me at least one more hour please.
Thank You:
For creating this buggy fit for the spawn of Duchess Kate as an April Fools Joke. Now I seriously want one and you don't make them. Thanks.
Thank You:
Cherry Blossoms from Japan.
You are the gift that keeps on giving in Washington, D.C. and my allergies truly thank you.
Thank You:
E.J. Johnson, son of Magic Johnson,
for thinking that you had to "come out".
You were very convincing as a heterosexual male. (read: sarcasm ).
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Thank You:
Kim Kardashian
For bursting the bubble that every celeb is not cute preggers. Please for the love of God do not come out with a maternity line because I fear that it would truly be a waste.
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Thank You:
Early Morning Sunlight
For always being the best filter for Instagram! It does the best job covering up how huge the bags under my eyes really are.
Hope you have a great weekend!
We have house guests, so I am sure we will make it a fun weekend.
Love that pic of you in the car with the sun shining. Stopping by to say hi to a fellow BLM girl.