
Valentine's Day after Marriage

Oh Valentine's Day -
I can remember when Valentine's Day started to matter to me.
I guess it was around 16 or 17 years old.
It was the age I gave myself that I felt like it was finally appropriate to date. I grew up on The Cosby Show and had a real fear of embarassment if I were to ever bring a boy home.
Problem is, by the time I started to care, I was already in college - and at Howard University no less. Which I swear is the the picture perfect classic case of HBCU you can find.
I mean, the things I saw happening on A Different World - happened at Howard, and then some.
Either who, it was at the point that I cared that I wish I didn't because I was "young" compared to my classmates. I was scared to talk to boys. Basically I had no boyfriend.
I didn't care though... until...
Every Valentine's Day some sap of a freshman or sophmore male would be waiting in the lobby for some chick to come and sign them in.
He would be carrying the most obnoxious expressions of Valentine's Day: horrid white teddy bears and large roses and balloons. Basically whatever they could find. (no offense to anyone who loves this stuff, but its just not for me).
And if you sat in the lobby long enough, the same chick would be there to get stuff from the next dude that came about three hours later.

Either who, it was the days I decided that I would not care - and yet was bitter, because I cared.

When I finally had a boyfriend I would be sent stuff and realized, I really just didn't like all of that. I felt like it wasn't for me.

When my husband and I dated, we put such little emphasis on things and made it about just spending quality time together. So much so, I can't honestly remember what he did on Valentine's Day last year. And its not because it wasn't wonderful, but its because he does wonderfully awesome things all year long that I don't remember what day it falls on.

This year however, I came home after the husbands at my job were asking my opinion as to what they should do for Valentine's Day - one seriously suggested he get his wife a $25.00 giftcard for McDonald's. I am praying for him even now, but I told my husband all I wanted to do was to go out to eat sushi and I would be a happy camper.

You see, I LOVE Sushi. I don't know why but I seriously do.
We eat it pretty regularly but I didn't want the whole fancy steakhouses that we do for anniversary because in all honesty, who needs Valentine's day when you do something special any day of the week?

What I was not expecting was my husband to say "Valentine's Day?! - oh I have rehearsal that day so we won't be doing anything."

Umm excuse me?!
and just like that - without realizing it... I felt like I was going to be just like that girl again at Howard, watching and reading on Facebook, Instagram and the Blogs (basically my online campus) of how wonderful Valentine's Day was and realize I am at home doing NOTHING and was going to be by myself.

I think when he said it I was so taken back that I just stopped speaking. I went into my own little world.

Luckily, my husband knows me well... and yes I acted out. When our friends asked at the Grammy party what we were doing for Valentine's Day, I yelled back "NOTHING" and stormed out the room. LOL.
But of course, he got the message in my silent protest.

So this week, probably Tuesday, he says "So on Valentine's Day..."
I said, "Oh What? You want to talk about it now?!" (attitude central)
He says, "Will you hush, I cancelled rehearsal and we have reservations."
You would think I said Thank You... but nope, hiding my blushing I say "So what?! You blamed it on me?! Gosh, they must think I am demanding!"
He said "nope, I told them, there will be peace in my house so no rehearsal on thursday."
Instead they are rehearsing tonight and thats fine.

Valentine's Day after marriage isn't so much about the things.
Nor is it about spending hard earned money for a holiday that was created to help retail with post holiday sales..
It's simply about the thought..
I love my hubby for all his randomness and how thoughtful he is.
I would not trade him for the world! because he is simply the most considerate husband I know.
And he works so hard too!
So tommorrow -- its really just allowing us another day, outside of regular date night and scheduled work nights to just pause to spend time together.

So hubby this is for you..

And whats an awesome way to kick off the randomness of Valentine's Day?!
Tickets to Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Tour!
Yup! We are in there!
Best HUBBY EVER!!!!!!

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1 comment :

  1. Girl, I've been with my honey for a long time and I totally agree with you! We don't make it a big deal to buy expensive gifts for one day. I'm stopping by via 'A lovely blog hop!' Enjoy your Valentine's Day!


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