
Garlic Parmesean Wings

What do you do with the threat of Sequestration hanging over your head? When you fear furlough's and possible loss of some resources and jobs for some? You adjust your budget and learn to eat in more.
My hubby and I love Garlic Parmesean Wings.
In particular we like them from this carry out called America's Best Wings.
We decided that we would give making them at home a try, so I figured I would share with you how we made them in case you are also looking for other recipe ideas.

These are two different versions of Garlic Parmesean Wings: Regular (on top) and Double Fried.

First thing you want to do that is not pictured here:
Heat your Fryer (as you see we have a small one to the left of our stove)
or you can fry your wings in a skillet that's deep enough for oil.

Second: While your wings are frying you want to make your garlic parmesean-
Here's how:

Take your little chopper, blender or grater and mince your garlic.
I used fresh garlic, so I whipped out my mini chopper. (You know you are in your 30's officially when you get excited about using a mini chopper - I remember when I got this for Christmas back in my early twenties and I wanted to give it right back!)
Peel the garlic and place the whole clove of a small sized garlic- ( I added about a 1/4 onion and some fresh parsley in the mix).
Mince it all up.

Add it to the pan with about 6 tsps of butter (this is for a large bag of wings), melt enough butter based on how many wings you need to coat.

Then add your already fried wings directly into the skillet. Just make sure they are coated all over then take them out, place them in a clean pan and let rest.

A few at a time and toss - then immediately retrieve and place to the side.

Again not pictured: Place about 1/2 cup of Parmesean Cheese (we used that large Kraft green jar) and place that in the bottom of a bowl.
Lightly toss your wings in the cheese
Retrieve you wings and let rest.

For double fried: after tossing in garlic, tossing in the parmesean, then toss back in the fryer for a quick sec.

Ready to eat?

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  1. omg, i never even thought of making my own wings. i also love garlic parmesean wings! i'll have to try this!

    thanks for sharing!

  2. I may have to try these this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  3. those look so YUMMY!! you have any leftovers that i can have!? LoL


  4. my my my, it looks Yummy, yummy. love it :)

    xoxo, TOI


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