

Lately, I have been really enjoying just a few lazy days in the house. 
Baby Girl's kicks have been coming more frequent and definitely a lot stronger. 
So far though she has been acting shy when it comes to daddy feeling her kick. I chase Amos around the house hoping that she will still keep kicking for him, but so far no luck.
I think he is a little in his feelings about it (but don't tell him I told you that. :) ) 
But she has been kicking for weeks and still I can't time it right where he is able to have fun in the awe of her growing. 

She's been kicking so much lately that I swear that I am getting nauseous just from her not keeping still. 
However, I still will say that I won't complain - it's just an observation. I have been blessed to have such a great pregnancy that I wouldn't even mind doing it again right away. 

Around the house, we are still deciding on paint chips for the rooms we left undone. 
I thought I had it figured out but turns out, I am more indecisive pregnant than I am when I am not pregnant and if that's the case - I feel sorry for anyone waiting on me to make a decision. 

Some of the things on the wish list for Baby Girl's room and possibly first (or second) Christmas: 

This little Girls Vanity - I want her to have a vanity just like her mommy. Although I put my make up on at mines, she will not be doing that for a longgggggggggg time. I am so traditional when it comes to when little girls are allowed to do certain things like wear make up, wear their hair down, get their nails done. She has years!

Mommy is getting a gray glider, so Baby Girl needs her own matching chair. 

In other news, my sister got me this Tote from C Wonder that I really wanted for Baby Girl and she got it monogrammed with her initials: this is the first and last clue before we reveal her name at the Baby Shower. I LOVE IT!!!!

*edited to add: I got a few emails (no lie - multiple) about the monogram because my last name begins with S, which would mean this monogram is a bit untraditional. C Wonder apparently doesn't do the traditional monogram in addition to Thirty One - I saw a coworkers bag that was also a bit backwards. However, I am excited because what will make Baby Girls name a bit different is that G so either way I am happy because its prominent and she will know its hers.. but yes traditionally it would be vSg.. ok carry on.*

In equally exciting news, Purple Thursdays are back! 
Its a tradition that Ravens fans wear purple on Thursdays during Football season. 
I am so glad to see that the season is starting up again and my Super Bowl Champions are looking good with the new team. 
They definitely won 44-16 in their first preseason game. 

I tried Fantasy Football last season, but I got bored with it some where in the middle of the season so it's officially not for me. 
I know that a few of you also are just as excited about Football Season even if we are rooting for different teams.. this hopefully will be a great season!

Lately, my craving has been French Fries and Vinegar also known as Boardwalk Style French Fries. 
I loved them before getting pregnant but I LOVE them even more now. 
If you have never tried it this way, I really do recommend them!

Lately, I haven't been able to blog so much because my fingers have been occupied with crocheting Baby Girl a coming home blanket. I plan to snuggle with it leading up to her arrival so that she will snuggle with it and it will soothe her because it smells like me. 
The colors incorporate brighter versions of the colors that will be in her nursery and its so soft that she can lay on it without me worrying.

I used a bobble stitch. It was the first time that I used this stitch. I learned how to crochet from my grandmother who definitely taught me the basics and a stitch called the "grandmothers square". I believe once you have the basics down then you can pretty much pick up anything. 

And it wouldn't be a good weekend if I didn't find something to make me laugh. 
I found this to be hilarious, because I swear this would be my husband. 

I also posted this pic on Sunday...

Funny thing is, as much as I look like a "church mother" the person who brought these glasses to church brought them to make fun of a specific church mother who goes to our church. Well I guess its what my swag might be 60 years from now. 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. 

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1 comment :

  1. I love that vanity! I had one as a child and have distinctly fond memories of me sitting at it playing dress up!

    I thought your last name started with a S, I'm confused a f now I'm dying to know what you are going to name your baby girl!


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