
Keeping my head above Water

I have a confession: I have only been at work 5 days this month!
I would love to say that I have enjoyed each day that I have not been in the office, grant it , its quite enjoyable at times, but it was still hard work and not so much relaxation and of course that means, I have a lot of work that I am catching up on.
What suffers? My body and My Blog.
All the energy and time it takes for me to track my people down, make sure they have checked in to see me before the end of the month and a whole bunch of stuff in between, I am utterly exhausted - not to mention the additional person that is continuously growing and also sucking my energy levels dry.
However, I have so many posts in cue and so many pictures from where I have been, especially the Delta Convention,  so those will be coming soon.
In other words, I am barely keeping my head above water here... so bare with me.
As of late, its been more movie watching:
Recently, Red 2 and Grown Ups 2 - both were really good movies.

This week, my second pregnancy related purchase this week was obtained -
When I tell you I carry this thing every where around the house. It not only supports my sleeping in bed, but its the best pillow to surround my body when I want to be comfortable on the couch. I have heard such great things about it AND I see why people rave about it. Plus, it was on Clearance at Target, so thats a win, win, win for us all.

Also, as of this week we are half cooked - I will be twenty weeks tomm.
I haven't posted my belly pics lately because they got harder to keep up with but also in the posts to come you will be able to see my belly.

A few stats:
As of our last sonogram and doctors visit -
Mommy still has not gained any weight this pregnancy: I am assuming its because its just balancing out from gain and loss.
I still can fit the same pants that I wore pre-pregnancy with no issues or additional belly bands, which is a great thing at 5 months.
Baby weighed in at 7oz. and is about 8 inches long.
Baby is 100% girl.
Cravings are anything sweet and sugary.
No aversions
Pregnancy Brain is in full effect - I feel like a total space cadet at work and have to apologize for the dumbest things: the other night, I asked Amos to bring me something that I left downstairs, when he couldn't find it, I realized it was right next to me the whole time.
I just started showing, where people can tell I am pregnant and not just gaining weight - some coworkers JUST found out yesterday that I was pregnant. I actually enjoyed just keeping that to myself for a good while.

Also, as its now the second half of this pregnancy, its now time to finish some housework and decor things. I am so excited to be able to share some of that with you as well.
Lately, we have been considering window tinting as opposed to traditional blinds on our arched window and some other tough places in the house that we want to be able to block- so that will be interesting.

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  1. Hope you get yourself all caught up soon. Five work days only in a month does sound awesome but I guess at some point it catches up. At least you enjoyed your time off.

  2. I laughed when you mentioned pregnancy brains. Mine was so bad!!! I didn't think I would make it through work. I had my son Dec 2012 and I thought once the baby was delivered my brains would go back to normal but noooooooo. It takes a couple months for the brains to go back to normal after pregnancy. Getting back into the work thing after being on maternity leave for 2 months was pretty hard with trying to remember everything. aprilscupoftea.blogspot.com


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