
Be Back Soon

Usually I would be recapping a wonderful weekend but today I simply ask that you send prayers to my husband and his family as they have had two funerals within two weeks. 

As you read this, we are traveling from the funeral of his cousin who was killed in Ghana while doing work in that country. He left D.C. to be a political consultant in Ghana in 2011. 
Gone way too soon.

My husband's Aunt also passed last week and was laid to rest last weekend. 

So soon... I will be back - but I must be there for my family in love. 
Talk to you soon. 

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  1. I am so very sorry for you loss. Sending prayers and thoughts your way. Thinking for you and your family.

  2. Sorry for such tragedy in your family. Take care and sending you good thoughts.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that. I will definitely send up prayers for you and your family.

    Take Care.


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