And the Best Supporting Blogger in this thing called MY LIFE goes to ....
Ok, clearly that Bah Hum Bug spirit has lifted- no thanks to that daunting 12/12/12 day.
But in all seriousness (somewhat) -
Nicole from Pharr Away has gifted me with this award...
Haven't received this in a while, and she went through the trouble, its No Golden Globel... yet, but I accept with the same enthusiam, so without further adieu -
[pause - edited to add that I clearly missed a step in receiving the award - 11 random things - so here goes nothing]
1. I really can't stand the color pink in large quantities, especially the softer shades - bold shades of pink OK! and it all stems from my childhood and growing up in a sorority-heavy based household.
2. I once had hot pink/purple hair in college and it was not intentional but once it happened - I took it and ran with it.
3. The only thing that I will invest in is new shoes, but I will let a lot of things that are worth my money be run into the ground before I replace them.
4. I have a tendency to not unpack my suitcase unless I want to wear whats in it or if I need it again.
5. My husband is more domestic then I am... shhhh. I love that about him.
6. All of the cars that I have purchased for myself have been Black on Black with one exception - my green truck got stolen and never again!
7. I always wanted to go to Cosmetology School but I don't have the patience for the hours.
8. I didn't learn how to cook until I was in a serious relationship with my husband because that meant that other people besides myself had to eat my food.
9. We used to watch House Party 1 & 2 daily when we were in college and memorize and perform all the dance routines (you know thats where the Kid N Play originated)
10. I only applied to one college - that was the only place to go and so that was the only place I applied. Talk about taking a chance! good thing I got in. GEEZ.
11. I am allergic to pine trees.
[ok read on now]
Nicole asked me:
1. Why did you start blogging and what do you hope to accomplish by doing so?
In all honesty, I started blogging because I finally had the time to capture some things that was going on in every day life! Not saying that my life is exciting then most but I did want to capture what its like being a newlywed and buying a house and starting a family and all those things that people my age for whatever reason feel such angst about - my goal through blogging is to not only have a record of these beginnings but to dispel myths and rumors about the negativity towards marriage and promote that with the right person, life just becomes that much more interesting!
2. What gets you going in the morning?
Besides Jesus! I would have to say COFFEE! It is my guilty pleasure but I truly do not feel myself without it... its my cure-all I would say.
3. Who do you admire the most?
I would have to say hands down that I admire my parents! I really hope that I can reciprocate what they have done for me as well as continue to set the examples they have.
4. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Hmm... Thursday - simply for my television vices. I am an AVID Greys Anatomy watcher and Scandal has become my new MUST WATCH!
5. If you won 1 million dollars what's the first thing you'd do with it?
I think about this often as I sometimes wish I would've won the mega millions... but either who, if I were to win a mere 1 million dollars... it would be we not I - so first we would tithe to our respective churches 10% each. We love to be above and beyond givers when we can. So with what's left another 10% to my parents and to his family. Leaves us with roughly $600,000, which isn't much in the grand scheme of things- so pay off our house, buy a new car and invest the rest and hope it grows by the time I am set to retire.
6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where and with whom?
It would be on an Eastern excursion with my hubby. We would do Paris, Monte Carlo, back to the vineyards of Sicily and possibly get the chance to go to Dubai... again - been planning this in my head for a while.
If there was a second choice- it would be to be invited to Kate Middleton's baby shower and I would go with my sister. Hey - a girl can dream right?
7. What kind of camera do you use to take your blog photos?
Right now, its ALL iphone - I stopped using my DSLR and simply post that way out of rush and convenience. I don't have time to edit as many photos as I would like to take, but I do hope that I can go back to it once I get a new laptop.
8. What is your greatest accomplishment?
Hmm... GREATEST? I think its yet to be seen. To date, I would say its hands down working with both President and First Lady Obama on their respective speaking engagements.
9. What is your favorite TV show?
10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance and why?
I would say my CrockPot gets the most use.
11. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Invisibility- I stay trying to hide from people.
And now for those whom I nominate - these are your questions
1. What is your favorite Holiday Drink?
2. What is your must have Beauty Product?
3. What's on your nails and fingers right now?
4. What is your all-time favorite meal?
5. What is your favorite show?
6. What do you blog about the most?
7. If you could go any where, where and with whom?
8. What do you do for a living and did you always think thats what you would be doing when you grew up?
9. Sweet or Savory?
10. If you could be a cupcake flavor what would you be called?
11. What is your guilty pleasure?
I nominate the following ladies and encourage you to check out their great blogs as well!
1. Betsy @ Peony and Gray
2. Teems @ Baby Teems
3. Sarah @ Tucker Up
4. Courtney @ Write Up Court
5. Tamara @ Everything Happens for a Reason
6. Jasmyne @ A Fisher's Wife
7. Cece @ Frugalista Married
Ok... so couldn't find 11 - but these are great nonetheless!
Girl, I LOVE every single answer!!! #1 is SO me!
ReplyDeleteI've been watching Grey's since it premiered and I'm now obsessed with Scandal and all things Kerry Washington!!!
& #11, I literally laughed out loud!!!!! You're hilarious!
Thanks! I had to edit it because I forgot my random facts. LOL
DeleteThanks for the nom! I am hoping that someday I'll have over 200 followers and not qualify anymore!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nomination! I just released my post!
You're the best!
Woo hoo!!! I won a major award.. (High five to anyone who gets what holiday movie that's from!)