
May I toot my own horn?!

Keep Calm and KNOW THAT YOU ROCK!! Poster

Ok so as with every job, including mines, there is an "audit" or "performance evaluation" period. Please know that those who are on supervision ie. probation, parole and the like that are being supervised by this Federal Agency is under the care of Officers who are held to a high standard.

Well.. today was my evaluation day with my supervisor. And no matter how confident you are in your compentence, being graded via a computer based system may not always be in your favor... especially when 1. Your computer at work does not always work.
2. Blogs are the best distractions for long periods of down time.
3. You always aren't motivated.
4. You just let yourself be unsure since you JUST got out of the academy.

Well, being a person who has seen these performance reports given to other people, it can make you nervous when not everyone meets the expectations or exceeds...

But, just like ripping a band-aid off in one sweep, my score was laid on me.


This girl got a 2.97 out of 3.0 on my performance evaluation.

HONOR ROLL OF OFFICERS (no it doesn't exist)
But OH How I wish!
I haven't seen Honor Roll since Elementary School.

YAY! Go me!

Ok, carry on..
Keep Calm and LISTEN TO YOUR  OFFICER Poster


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  1. you go girl!!

    Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! Drop by nichollvincent.blogspot.com and say hello!

  2. That is awesome!!! Congrats! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower from the GFC hop!
    Hope you are having a good day!

  3. Hi, You're so adorable! Found you via the GFC hop! hope to get to know you better!



  4. Way to go! Such a cute blog you got!

  5. Way to go! Keep it up! Get it done! Do it right the first time! Keep it up! Way to go! Get it done! Yo go girl! Do it again! Way to go! Keep it up!
    Luv Ya!

  6. i absolutely love this! congrats! lovely blog girl! keep 'em comin'!

    love, rach.


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