Dear Friday, It is so good to see you again. U have been awaiting your arrival!
Dear Hubby, ... no movies this weekend.. I am surprised that we haven't talked about it, but we have a lot going on this weekend as it is.
Dear Reger or Smeeger as we like to call you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Dear Job, today... you are boring. I am ready to go home now. But so glad you are there to come back to on Mondays.. need that PAPER!
Dear Body, are you ready for this?!
Dear Sister, glad you are coming in from New York this weekend.. we shall have lots of fun! Lets make the most of your day trip shall we!?
Dear Cuzzo, can't wait until your Hat Party Bridal Shower... this should be really interesting.
Dear FLOTUS, You are so VERY Welcome! The pleasure was truly all mines!
Yay for Fridays! Found you through Friday's Letters! Cute blog!