
Memorial Day Musings!

Memorial Day was a wonderful day and it was quite a special one this year :
May 28th is my Mother's Birthday 

Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you so much! I really hope that you had a wonderful birthday and hopefully this will be the last birthday where we are in different states. I am definitely praying and keeping my fingers crossed.

And now, to recap the weekend with Sometimes and Always ~

Sometimes: We host late night parties at our house with our closest friends and try to keep it simple.
Always: We serve breakfast foods like Chicken and Waffles 
so that we are able to make it through the night.

Sometimes: We tell our friends the party begins at 7:30pm so that we can begin to 
wind down around 1am at the latest
Always: They show up late and it turns into super late. This particular night, 
they ALL showed up at 10pm right on cue and didn't leave until 5am. 

This is my tired hostess look

this is the calm before the storm picture.. they weren't sitting quiet for too much longer

Sometimes: These guys are very calm and quiet ~ these are their "we are full" faces.
Always: That only lasts for a brief moment because they were so loud and hilarious for the rest of the night that for the most part everyone woke up hoarse 

Sometimes: I take my sweet time trying to find the right frames for some of my favorite pictures to put them up around the house. 

Always: Our random friends play with them and they never get back to quite right. Its as if we have children for real. 
This is Jeremy saying to me, "What? I think it looks better this way"
He has no idea how long it took for me to stop obsessing about how to get them level. 

Sometimes: People come over two days in a row, so the party continued again 
- supposed to start at 3:30pm
Always: In true fashion, the crew is late and it starts at 7pm and ends at 1am

Sometimes: I can't believe how much fun we have together
Always: No matter how tired I am, I will invite them over the following weekend to do it all over again. 

Sometimes: I wish I could have an early afternoon function at my house
Always: I accept that our house is the last stop on the train of BBQ's and I am ok with that... because no one wants to go home - thats how you know we have the best times!

Cheers to the freakin' weekend friends! I truly had THEE best time this Memorial Day.. and the jokes that we will have from being delirious I will never forget and will be giggling for days to come. 

There is a heap of persons who came to our house that I didn't get the chance to grab my phone and capture - for one, I lost it in the kitchen for most of the day.. one day I am going to get it together so I can really capture these memories. 

My feet hurt so bad from painting the house, to standing to cook all weekend and clean and be hostess that today- I could barely walk without crying by BBQ Day #2, and although I am working from home today -- I have decided that I am not leaving this bed at all to walk. 

Hubby decided then that he is going to take me to the movies later, even if and I quote "I have to be in a wheelchair." Sure Hubby, lets go see Men In Black 3...  LOL

That is after you wake up from your nap... will you tuck me in like Barack tucks in Michelle

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

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  1. Awww! Happy Birthday to your mom! I know how hard it is to be away from her! My mom and I live 14 hours away and it can get tough some days!

    1. I know right. There are definitely some normal day to day moments that I wish my mom was here for. Preparing for our housewarming is one of them.

  2. Hey, at least they are stoppin by! I want some good bbq! I found you through the link up today and I am your newest follower!


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