
It's Monday... My Musings Reloaded

I have been linking up to some of my favorite link parties... and here's a few others:

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

1. I am not understanding why all winter we had no snow and then in April while eating breakfast, I see snow flakes come from the sky?

2. Adults need time out too... I am an avid fan of putting people in time out and just not speaking for a minute or until I feel like they get my point. Longest time out I have given someone is two years (not kidding). 

3. Over the weekend we celebrated my Goddaughter's first birthday... 

apparently she hates large group of people singing to her.. the funniest thing is that when we clapped and yelled "YAY" ... she screams crying even louder but claps also. She was so confused. LOL

She still loves her God-mom aka Ta-tee

5. My friend TARIA reads this daily... and asked me to shout her out for her birthday! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARIA!!!

6. For the next Miscellany Monday, I promise to document my weekend a whole lot better... but this one just scooted by so fast! the HIGHLIGHT: Seeing "Think Like a Man" at the movie theater. Hands down a really funny movie! So funny in fact that I am determined to see it again. Read the book, but by that point, I already had the man! 

7. Sadly, this blog started off for me to be my outlet with my HGTV addiction, since I planned to decorate and re-design up a storm in this new house of mines... sadly, my bedroom still is half painted almost two months later and the bathroom still needs touch ups.. so I guess the decor part of this blog will be coming soon when I get to it.

8. I had planned to begin my work out regimen by walking around my housing development today. Luckily for my extra pounds, I cancelled my workout due to how cold and snowy it is today. However, we did shop organic for the first time. Major overhaul of our groceries since hubby and I are still trying to achieve our goals

From my iphone / Wegmans

8.5 Random Musing: Here's my version of What I Wore: 

From my iPhone / Shoes: TOMS Pants: NY&Co. 
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  1. ADORABLE minie mouse ears :)! seriously. You have such a beautiful little family by the way!

    1. Thank you! I love your blog... definitely reading from now on.

  2. I can't say it enough...I love it!!! Thank you for the birthday shout it!

  3. Haha! My son did the same thing at his first birthday party... he screamed and cried when everyone sang to him! I love your Toms and pants :)

  4. so funny...her crying and clapping!! beautiful pictures. I think i will adopt your time out for adult idea!!!
    I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.


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