
Monday's Musings: Unpacking my Weekend

It's time to unpack the weekend! WHY!? Don't we all wish for just one more day in the weekend?

1. Eating healthy all the time is exhausting for a newbie. I have yet to be able to get to the place to fully plan every meal... probably because I am an emotional eater. I eat based on how I feel at the moment... I do EVERYTHING based on how I feel at the moment now that I think about it.. SO.. this weekend I may have fallen off the healthy lifestyle bandwagon.. 
Small steps people. I am trying. But I really wanted a burger! So off to Red Robin we went. 
I actually didn't get the Banzai Burger - 
I got the Avocado Bacon Burger cooked Medium with Blue Cheese. It was so good just typing this makes me want one right now. 
Ironically, as I am working from home - I look up and the Today Show is talking about iPhone apps to healthier shopping. Maybe, I will download a few. They recommended Shop Well. Anybody else have any other recommendations?

2. As you know, (or may be finding our right this moment) Hubby and I have a habit of doing date night weekly with an Opening Night Movie.
Our opening night Movie this week was : The Five Year Engagement; 
Last Weekend was Think Like a Man 
and this weekend coming up is the Midnight Showing of The Avengers! (excited much? yes!)

Ok, has anyone ever gone to retrieve their tickets at the machine, swipe your card and it spits out tickets you forgot to ever retrieve? Oh, that ONLY happens to me??

...So I go to swipe my debit card to retrieve the tickets for the show because on this night I decided to treat hubby to our date and it spits out two tickets to Michael Jackson "This is It"... When they first spit out, my husband started fussing at me saying "You got the wrong show!" I had to look carefully and then yell back at him "apparently the wrong year, too" that movie came out about two years ago. 

Afterwards, the right tickets came out. Yes, I held on to the MJ tix for nostalgia though. LOL

I won't give a review because I don't want to spoil it for those who may be interested in going to see it, but this movie truly raises a lot of real life situations when it comes to relationships. It shows two different types of relationships and asks the question: when you sacrifice for your spouse, is resentment inevitable? even if you are in full support of seeing your other half successful? (this will be a blog post for a later date because there are so many real life relationship situations that I have encountered this weekend that I may need to unpack it into a few different posts.)

and just because... Two weekends back to back, Kevin Hart has been in a movie that we have seen. Had no clue that he was in the 5 year engagement! One of the funniest comedians EVER!

3. Highlight of the Weekend: Going to A Night of Hope with Pastor Joel Osteen.

Now, let me make this very clear... I am one who when I see Pastor Joel Osteen on television halfway through may turn the channel because his calm demeanor at time does not keep my attention. I come from a church where whooping and shouting is an art form. Much like Pentacostal. But, my husband being a Minister of Music was offered the opportunity to have some of his choir sing with Lakewood Church for this Night of Hope, therefore we were given VIP tickets.

It was surprisingly amazing... 

seeing that many people, no matter what race, denomination or creed - standing and singing praise and worship was amazing!!

In case you are wondering, The Washington DC Nationals Stadium holds 40,000+ people. 
and Pastor Osteen's message was one that really hit home. 

He reminded me that this is truly the time that God will provide those things that we ask, if we are brave enough to simply ask. 

Unfortunately, my allergies was THEE WORST sitting out there! My eyes would not stop watering. People thought I was really moved by the spirit and I had to give them the "you have got to be kidding me face".. No lie, some strange lady tried to give me a hug because she thought I was upset about something.. I literally had to tell her "please don't touch me". (another thing about me, I am not a hugger unless I really know you). 

The weekend ended with a little online shopping and I came across these!

4. I am a SHOE FANATIC! Whether it is a great platform stiletto or a tennis shoe, I am on it!
I am thinking about adding these to my closet! I can totally imagine wearing these with a great pair of skinny jeans. If anyone would like to gift these to me, shoot me an email! LOL

Miscellany Monday @
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These are My Confessions

It's a day at work where are passing some time because our building is under major renovation, ergo we have no "clients" coming in and so... I was perusing some blogs and thought that perhaps I would do one extra link up today and post a confession because afterall... It's FRIDAY!!!!!

So These are my Confessions:

1. My hands have only been painted on one hand and even still with multiple colors going on a week now.
I have no idea why? But I am ashamed.

2. I wear earrings to work. Big. Huge. Hoops. and take them off as soon as I get here and they sit on my desk.

3. I lose almost everything... I have thrown my keys into the garbage and did not realize it until after trash day. Thats one keyless remote for the car and the house and several office keys ... gone.

4. I have so much filing that needs to get done.. but who loves to do that? Not me.

5. No matter how full I am, I MUST have movie theater popcorn at the movies while seated.

6. We went to go see Hunger Games just to see what the hype was about but had never heard of it before we went to the movie theater.


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Friday's Letters

Dear Allergies, I despise you!!!!

Dear Husband, it tickles me every time you get so sappy when a little girl is around. You just melt into one big pile of sweetness. It is so cute! You will definitely be a great dad one day, but I truly feel for your our bank account if we have girls because you truly can't say no. Our god daughter already has you wrapped around your finger. But I am glad that she has a male figure like you in her life and that she can play with you and you never get tired.

Dear Husband, you get too letters this week.. why? because I really am wondering if we will make it through one day this week where you are not hitting me in the face by accident in your sleep; I am this close to getting a nose guard since you like to toss and turn and fix my pillows in your sleep and throw quasi Ron Artest, I mean Metta World Peace bows at me. I mean a California King Bed and you are STILL right there! I just don't understand... lets pray that next week is better. LOL.

P.S. Husband, You just read my mind! Seeing that text saying "Do you want to go to the movies? 5-year Engagement is out" made my day! I was so going to call you and ask the same. No matter how much we try to stay away from the movie theater, we just can't! So sure! 5-year Engagement it is!! (I always get so excited for date night and its always a movie involved)

P.P.S Dear AMC Theaters, can you just give us a giftcard for the year; we are there on a weekly basis. This is sad.
Dear Thursday Night Television Programming, why must you have so many shows on that are intriguing that I am wrestling with my DVR on a weekly basis just to make sure that I don't miss a thing!?

Dear 2 oz bagels with Raisins, Can you please have more raisins? half the bagel is just dry bread. If I have to cut my portions can you at least make up for it some where?

Dear Coffee, I was only able to go with out you one morning this week and I paid for it. I overslept by an hour. Yes, I blame you coffee although I could probably blame other reasons... but today coffee you get it! (any excuse to stop and get a cup!)

Dear Little Cousin, I am so happy that you are finally getting married! I am beyond thrilled... even more so excited that you chose me to be in your wedding. I promise I will stop giving you a panic attack and order my bridesmaid dress this weekend. I feel so bad because clearly I know how hard it is to wrangle in the bridesmaids and here you are having to wrangle me. The dress you chose is all the more motivation as to why I have to get this body together because my legs will be out! and my arms... and its fitted.

Dear Bootcamp, sign me up!

Dear Body, they keep saying that you may be anemic, which is what is making me tired, but honestly I really hope it's under control in there. I wish I didn't fall asleep and get exhausted with each activity of the day. We have got to hold it together. We are just in our twenties!

Dear Random Caller on my Cell Phone, NO! You are not calling me from Washington, DC and from the Federal Grant Commission or whatever you say you were calling from because one, I have an iPhone... and its handy in telling me where you are calling from. two, I work for the Feds... so beat it! they don't call asking to give out money. Have a nice day with this dial tone!

Dear Pastor Joel Osteen, apparently I will spending my whole Saturday with you at the Washington, D.C. Nationals Stadium. Hubby did not tell me of such an experience until yesterday but I am excited nonetheless. I'll be able to say "This is my Bible... app".
Dear New Blog Readers, just seeing that more and more people are interested in my random life and streams of thought is encouraging. This outlet really brings me a peace.. thanks for joining me. Honestly, you never know what you may find over here... but stick with me and I love your comments.

Dear Linesisters, we will celebrate two years of being in the best sorority there is :
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. this weekend and I can not wait!

Dear Mom and Sister, I am proud to continue this legacy of Delta Women! "Oh Just to be a Delta Girl! The finest in the world!" I love you!

The day that I crossed into Delta Sigma Theta


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Countdown to 30: 30 Things Every Woman Should Know Before 30

This Glamour Article written in 1997 has become one of their most popular articles to date and has since been expanded into a book. Huffington Post recently published the article as well...
I had seen the list also circulate from time to time...

However seeing as though today I am 4 months and 19 days away from my 30th Birthday: It's time to start planning for the Soiree and more importantly plan for the mindset shift that comes with saying goodbye to your twenties.. YIKES!

According to the writer, Pamela Redmond Satran

By 30, you should have ...

1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come.
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.
5. A youth you’re content to move beyond.
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it.
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you.
9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded.
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
13. The belief that you deserve it.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.

By 30, you should know ...
 1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
2. How you feel about having kids.
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next.
6. The names of the secretary of state, your great-grandmothers, and the best tailor in town.
7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to.
8. Where to go -- be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a yoga mat -- when your soul needs soothing.
9. That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents.
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over.
11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love.
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or not flossing for very long.
13. Who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault.
15. Why they say life begins at 30

This definitely resonates with where I am.. and it seems like at the most, I may need to take a trip to Sears sooner then I thought. Now grant it, I have definitely spent money on some ridiculously expensive things and I may even make you privy to such, but I am not sure about the whole spending my own money... having the ability to do so is one thing and still have people in your life who are willing to do that for you.. hmm... maybe that's just a Jasmine philosophy.
The countdown begins.

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Newlywed Confessions: The Spaghetti Argument

Photo Credit: C-Thru Lens Edited by: Me

So in 4 months, I guess we would be in that phase of simply "married".. although we will forever live our lives as newlyweds. It is what I find most important in the marriage in order to remain as happy as you were before you said "I Do!"
In thinking back to this day where this photo was taken... almost two years ago now, before we said our vows and before I gained like 3 sizes (I think clothing manufacturers are starting to cut smaller.. LOL) ... here we were, with two ice cream cones: different, yet similar.. one with sprinkles, one without, but yet willing to still share with a smile.

Indulge me if you will for the next few months towards our two year anniversary to share the lessons I learned from being a newlywed in what I call "Newlywed Confessions".

Newlywed Confessions: There is only ONE argument throughout your relationship that will continue to play out in different ways over and over again.

Don't believe me? Here is ours...

It is nicknamed, "The Spaghetti Argument"

One day before leaving for work, a conversation was had about what we would have for dinner. I suggested Spaghetti. Hubby concurred and off we went. By the time we had both gotten home from work, a serious nap was needed by us both and yet hunger pains were very well present. Earlier in the morning, I had agreed that I would be the one cooking dinner. By the time I got home tired, I needed help to even stay awake and so I asked my "help mate"... "Can you please just boil the noodles and I will make the meat in just a few?"

You would've thought that it was the end of the world to break open a noodle box and shove them into a pot of water. And so, hubby so graciously declined. Eventually, it turned into a back and forth session of words as to why it should be me who cooks if we are both tired from work. I felt like the compromise should be that we both get in the kitchen and prepare something for BOTH of us to eat. However, he did not see it my way at all! It turned into what I have referred to before as a "time out" for us both. We ceased to speak to each other and dinner was not started for a good while.

We both sat silent. and hungry.

We have applied our pre-marital counseling to break down each of our points to see why this is our argument that will probably appear over and over and not just about spaghetti...

My Point of View: "I need to know that when I am tired and can't do for myself, you will go out of your way to take care of me. Even if it is inconvenient for you. I need to see that you will make that sacrifice so that our family is fed." (In other words, Where is MY help help-mate?) Of course, now I am balling crying thinking this is how its always going to be! He is going to see me as the woman who has to have a meal on the table by a certain hour and run and tend to the children when they cry and place me into all these woman "roles" and I am not having it! We are friends and partners! COOK THE DARN NOODLES, MAN!

His point of View: "I need to know that if I am not there or not available that you will still be able to maintain. That you are still that independent woman that I love and that at the end of the day, you will take care of me... when I am completely worn out, will you be that one to always be my number one fan and restore me versus take from me like everyone else in the world does?" (In other words, Where is MY help help-mate?) Should've just cooked dinner myself if I was going to have to help you boil water. Really? How incapable are you of making spaghetti.. Please God, Tell me I didn't marry a woman who cries over boiling water? FORGET IT I AM NOT HUNGRY SINCE YOU WANT TO LET ME STARVE!

In a way, we both wanted the same thing.
We wanted to know where our help would kick in from the mate's we said I do to.

So what do we do now?

So as newlyweds, what did we learn? We may say different things and even scream it at the top of our lungs, but at the end of the day we are probably saying the same thing. With the energy it took to argue and fall out crying, dinner could've been made by now.

Pick and choose battles, because at the end of the day. It was never about the spaghetti...

Marriage is sacrifice and compromise. And we do so daily...we compromise on how much space, if any, he gets in the closet; as wives we put on the big girl panties and make sure our hubby's are taken care of because trust me, being married to a musician has its perks but with every man there is always some woman out there who is not complaining about making spaghetti..

So how do we avoid this situation in the future?

When we are both tired these days, we just order out.

Anybody else have the dumbest arguments with your significant other, especially when you are sleepy?
Nap time is not just for children... I am just saying.

Ironically, I agreed to make spaghetti tonight also...Fingers crossed.


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"Happy Hour" Wednesdays

There are so many things that one can be thankful for.. and so its Wednesday, and usually it's all about "Sunshine": finding the good in every situation around these parts.. but if you would allow me for a minute to really unpack on this here humpday some things that are not so sunny!

Grant it, I LOVE MY JOB! (not a disclaimer, I REALLY do love what I do). But I swear this week! the picture above says it all!

Do you understand how complicated and tiresome it is, to make it through your normal routine without screaming at the top of your lungs for people who just don't understand or comprehend what you are saying to them. In my line of work I am the judge and the jury and what I say goes.. you don't like it the only people who can change that decision is the person who more then likely will escort you to a nice comfy cot in federal prison... (clearly there are policies and procedures and I am not really going to get into the specifics but you kinda get my drift).
Sometimes there comes along a person who you just want to whip out utensils on and say "ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!"...
I mean there was ONE that really was on the verge of getting on my very LAST nerve! But, whoo! no forks were in sight! Thank you, Jesus!

but I digress.

It's Wednesday and there is some Sunshine! When you can just get stuff off your chest, it automatically allows you to feel better... so perhaps Wednesday may be the "Get it off your Chest Day", why do you think most Happy Hours are in mid-week and not on the weekends? I'm just saying..

So this, right here.. is Happy Hour Wednesdays at Hello, Good Morning Sunshine!
(this may turn into a Linky Party, who knows? ) UPDATED : It is! So add your link
But in the moments where I am just hoping to make it through the rest of the week... its always helpful to think about not just the things that have already worn me out and its ONLY Wednesday, but some good things have already happened or that I am looking forward to: so here goes nothing! (my half week via iphone photos: Follow me on instagram at VashtiJasmine for more fun!)

1. I drove through the Storm of April in the Mid-East to retrieve a Beyonce Blu Ray just so I could sing REALLY LOUD and annoy my husband... that was before Glee came on last night with all Whitney Houston songs and I went to TOWN! Did anyone else?! It was great!

 2. You know we are trying to get more serious about our weight loss goals.. so we went to Wegman's Grocery Store for the first time with the goal of buying all organic and fresh everything! We are very much so an eat-out half the week type of couple. So, this has faired well in our household so far and I am already noticing my work clothes fitting differently.

and yet,

Source: someecards.com via Erin on Pinterest

3. Because some days, you really have to start digging through change so you don't have to swipe your Visa Checkcard for this! I feel like finding change should definitely be rewarded with sweet treats because I rarely carry cash.

4. After hard days at work, you should always find something to laugh at.. on this day it was the fact that I am sure this person is getting wet because they didn't tie down the plastic windows on their tracker in the middle of this storm..

5. But in all seriousness.. I do feel better. I signed up for my first Run/Walk at work.. It's 3.1 miles and I am pretty sure that I will be partaking in the Walk portion of this adventure. However, I got my new sneakers and I am motivated and willing and able to give it a try. Just pray I don't fall out on the streets of D.C. That's next wednesday, so we shall see if I survived.

Join the Link Party!
Grab a button and Link up your posts at the bottom..
I'd love to read it.

P.S. Yes, my nails are only painted one hand at the moment.. and have been this way for about three days now. So what! It's Wednesday!

P.P.S. Thanks to all my new followers from Thee Blog Hop, Friday's Letters, Tid +Bits and Monday's Musings.. you're appreciated.

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It's Monday... My Musings Reloaded

I have been linking up to some of my favorite link parties... and here's a few others:

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

1. I am not understanding why all winter we had no snow and then in April while eating breakfast, I see snow flakes come from the sky?

2. Adults need time out too... I am an avid fan of putting people in time out and just not speaking for a minute or until I feel like they get my point. Longest time out I have given someone is two years (not kidding). 

3. Over the weekend we celebrated my Goddaughter's first birthday... 

apparently she hates large group of people singing to her.. the funniest thing is that when we clapped and yelled "YAY" ... she screams crying even louder but claps also. She was so confused. LOL

She still loves her God-mom aka Ta-tee

5. My friend TARIA reads this daily... and asked me to shout her out for her birthday! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARIA!!!

6. For the next Miscellany Monday, I promise to document my weekend a whole lot better... but this one just scooted by so fast! the HIGHLIGHT: Seeing "Think Like a Man" at the movie theater. Hands down a really funny movie! So funny in fact that I am determined to see it again. Read the book, but by that point, I already had the man! 

7. Sadly, this blog started off for me to be my outlet with my HGTV addiction, since I planned to decorate and re-design up a storm in this new house of mines... sadly, my bedroom still is half painted almost two months later and the bathroom still needs touch ups.. so I guess the decor part of this blog will be coming soon when I get to it.

8. I had planned to begin my work out regimen by walking around my housing development today. Luckily for my extra pounds, I cancelled my workout due to how cold and snowy it is today. However, we did shop organic for the first time. Major overhaul of our groceries since hubby and I are still trying to achieve our goals

From my iphone / Wegmans

8.5 Random Musing: Here's my version of What I Wore: 

From my iPhone / Shoes: TOMS Pants: NY&Co. 
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