So here is a sneak peek at some of the products that we decided to use:
Glidden Signature Interior Paint (in Wood Smoke)
Purdy Brushes
Shure-line Roller Brushes
3M Painter's Tape
We decided to go with Glidden Brand Paint in Wood Smoke.
I wanted to make the Cabinets pop and the Granite has flecks of brown and gray.
Here it is after I got a sample up on the wall. Now if you have a steady hand you do not need to tape off the whole room... in this instance, I only taped in tight squeezes and cut the rest in by hand.
What I have learned is that, as you know the paint dries a different color then when wet... so initially once the paint dried, we were super scared because it looked so dark in there. But we let it cure over night and realized the next day, it had lightened back up to the color of the paint chip. Now we love it!
We plan to use it again some where in the house... not sure which bathroom will get hit just yet.
Also since we picked a satin finish, I do notice that despite great coverage with the color, the satin sheen is dependent upon the strokes of my brush and roller... so second coat will be going up. But so far I am very pleased!
A picture of the walls completed coming soon..
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