
10 Questions: Our Love Story

In honor of Valentine's Day, I figured I would go ahead and answer the questionaire that has been floating around in the blogosphere. I had been reading a few others and figured why not do one myself, right?!
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?

Hubby and I have been together officially 4 1/2 years-- courtship began on August 5, 2008; been friends since January 2005.

2. How did you meet?

Well, we first saw each other at the church we eventually married at, Ebenezer AME Church, when my pastor was there as the guest preacher. I went back to the pastor's office and was going to greet my pastor when hubby was seated in this chair by the door waiting to leave. He was serving as my pastor's armorbearer and travelling musician at the time. A quick glance, then I left saying nothing. Months later in January, I got a text message from a mutual friend telling me that I had an admirer...found out it was hubby. We just so happened to be going to another service after church that second Sunday in January and it was there in that parking lot, that hubby made his presence known by pretending like he was going to hit me with his car. A day later, I sent him an email to his church email account, then a phone call... then a few days later we went to go hang out at Bahama Breeze... the rest is history.

3. If married, how long have you been married? We've been married since August 7, 2010.

4. Where did you get married? Big or small wedding? We were married at Ebenezer AME Church and it was a big wedding...

...and the reception was Riggs Alumni Center at the University of Maryland College Park

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? We keep it simple... we call each other babe...

6. 3 things that I love most about Hubby:

1. He genuinely makes me laugh... and has the cutest dimples while doing so.
2. He has a drive like none other. He takes his natural gift of music and takes into overdrive.When he sets a goal, he truly moves hell and high water to accomplish it.
3. He pays attention to details.. its about the little things.. and hubby makes sure its the little things that he masters.

7. How did he propose?

It was Christmas Day 2009... hubby came over my mother's house so that we could open presents in the traditional manner, which basically means that I hand out all the presents while my family members sit on the couch and we watch each other open our presents in an orderly fashion.. so it was my turn..

So, he gave me my gift .. with this look on his face that says "you have no idea what I am about to do..."

 So, I stood up to give him a hug to thank him for my gift and he basically tells me to sit down.. and I say to him, what are you doing?! I give out the presents!

So when I sit down, he says "thanks" and wants to high five me. This is my you are really embarassing me in front of my family face.

 So I eventually sit and I decide since he wants to drag this out and give some sort of Christmas speech, I will play with my new present.

So I eventually sit and I decide since he wants to drag this out and give some sort of Christmas speech, I will play with my new present.

Thats when it hit me, he was PROPOSING?!?!?!

Of course, I said yes, after hearing nothing he said.. but I just wept like a little baby..

 It was indeed the best Christmas ever!

8. Flowers and teddy bear or strawberries, champagne and rose petals for Valentine's Day? I'd take either but hubby knows its really not that serious. It's all about Birthdays in this house since ours are 10 days apart!
9. What makes 'us' work? We work because we are truly friends. We are friends who are intentional about seeing the best in each other and pushing each other towards achieving our own personal goals without forcing each other to sacrifice in that area. Also, we are a good team. Its so cliche to say that he is the ying to my yang, but he kinda is.. for everything that I don't do well, he does very well.. for everything he may not do too great, I help him out. We mesh well because we have similar interests: we love the same type of movies, the same sports, love to try new things, eat different kinds of food, travel around the world, have a relationship with God (most important)... so yeah, I say we are just a great team!

10. Most romantic thing Hubby's ever done for me? Well, when we were dating, I decided that after graduate school that I was going to move back home from Chicago... he flew out and literally helped me pack my entire condo and drove the ENTIRE 10 hour trip back. I mean seriously?! I knew he loved me if he was willing to do all of that.

Anyways, thats it.. just a little bit of info about us.. so, you're next! post it and put the link in the comments and I will read it.. have a great rest of your Valentine's Day!



  1. Aww. This is the sweetest entry that I have read! :')

    college dating

  2. What an awesome journey!!! Ya'll make such an awesome couple, I LOVE THE UNITY :-)

    Maya D


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