
Women Connect 2012: My Story

Well, one of my favorite blog writers challenged us to share who we are as bloggers to help other women find blogs that touch them. I can honestly say that I do not know where to begin. I feel like I have written about who I am - for the most part and slowly but surely revealing more and more.. for those that have come to this post from the link up - you may not know me and so ... I begin here.

Who am I?
The basics: I am a newly 30 year old, newlywed (married only two years as of August 7, 2010) to a Professional Musician & Minister of Music, recently purchased and built a house this year, trying to start a family and see what life brings us. I work in law enforcement - something my family never thought I would do... and I also have a crafting and design bug from time to time since I went to School for the Arts for Visual Arts and started off in college as a Fashion Merchandise major.

 I am simply discovering my interests and who I am becoming now as a Reverend,  Mrs., Daughter, Sister, Sorority Sister, Fraternity Brother, Best-Friend, Entrepreneur and future mommy and doing so through blogging.

Why do I blog?
Because all titles and what I do aside, I am a person who has always loved journaling. I love looking back on something I wrote a year ago or some perspective I had two years ago and seeing how I have grown since. What drew me to Becky's blog was because the title alone was what I wanted for myself - From Mrs. to Mama.

 I've recently shared on my blog an introduction to us trying to conceive (TTC) and how I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility throughout the process and how I am in limbo between accepting that as a diagnosis or just understanding that added pressure doesn't help.. whatever the case is, in God's time it will happen for us. As I try to figure that out I blog about it.

 Since it has not happened over the first two years of marriage, I figured there was something else that I should be and that I am supposed to be doing with my time... Like make Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time! If that's not a milestone for 30 year olds, I don't know what is! That was definitely a feat!

Thanksgiving 2012

One thing for sure that I have learned over the years and still learning is how to be someones wife - and I thought planning my elaborate wedding was tough. Along the way I have learned what I like to call "Newlywed Lessons" and share them here. It's something about you and your spouse's profession that shapes who you are as a family because it speaks to the type of things you will experience.

Me and John Mayer

And boy, have we had some adventures... I want to remember them all... Like this argument we had this one time stemming from us just growing as people..

oh wait.. LOL - oops that's not our picture.

Here we are -
And although we serve in ministry, we definitely are regular every day people who struggle with some regular issues but use faith to get us through some tough times..

Like the one where I was asked to be a bridesmaid and I seriously have Busty Girl Problems that haunt me - simply because they came out of no where!

I would not however trade my life for anything and have no regrets. I am blessed. I love to read about others blessings and every day life and perhaps be inspired by the paint color they chose or the timing in starting a family, or a career path that they chose because when it resonates with me it helps me feel like I am not the only one on this crazy life roller coaster feeling like the secure lap bar is loose at times.

I started this blog last december hoping to dive into a world of DIY and decor - hoping to share more about our home and its progress but my blog quickly changed focus and simply became about my every day thoughts & experiences. Since then, I have met wonderful people, made new friends and have gained so much support. So here I am a year later - hoping that as people begin to stop by through here they see a little bit of sunshine through my sense of humor, through the crazy things that I may over hear or the funny something that happened, or the once in a lifetime opportunity that came our way, or what production we are working on next. Just as I am a work in progress, so is my blog. Why not do so with a sense of community?

Well... I could say SO much more, but no time.. simply click the home button, read if you like. Send me an email... or just comment to say hi.

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Friday's Letters

My Throwback Thursday Photo - I think I am about 3 or 4 years old here?
Dear Younger Me, boy Mom really liked to dress us in table settings didn't she? I asked her was this our pilgrim look and all she could say was "what? this was cute!" I beg to differ, but thats ok.. It was cute for the 80's. Clearly we loved it. Well young lady, life gets pretty interesting but trust me - no regrets. Dear Hubby, its the opening night of the Christmas production. You haven't gotten sleep in weeks, your stomach is acting crazy, you are getting hives out of no where but I do know that its all because you are so worried about it being perfect tonight. It will be great! It always is. And I will be right next to you in the Sound Booth to cheer you on. When the hip hop dance starts though, I may break out into random dancing though. Just thought I'd warn you. Dear Emotions, can you get yourself together forreal? 30 is great but you are making me seem like an emotional wreck lately. Is it the lack of sleep? normalcy in the house? what is it? Get it together! we are enjoying life - so let me carry on. Dear Homeless People of D.C. and Baltimore, thanks to some generous friends of my sister and her blog, we were able to raise over 300 coats for the winter season. I truly hope that you are blessed by the givers. Dear Christmas Tree, finally we have you home. Maybe one of these days (hopefully Monday) we can begin to put you up. I am allergic to pine so please be kind to me. Even fake trees sometimes give me the heebie jeebies. Dear Hubby, little do you know once we really get settled in this house, I was serious about having multiple trees... even if they are little ones. Decorating for Christmas is the best! Dear Forever 21, Thank you for cancelling my order because you could not verify my address - new construction woes! I swear!  I couldn't even Black Friday Shop online properly... thats fine. Saved me some coins - I only bought it cause it was a $7 dress - who would pass that up? Dear Readers and New Followers, now hit the home button and stay for a little while. Check back with me as I have something else for today up my sleeve. I love comments! It helps me follow you back.

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It's the MOST Exhausting/ Wonderful Time of the Year

As most people prepare for the Christmas Season, baking cookies to later eat with their families in front of the fireplace and decking the halls with holly - putting their wreath on the door, decor outside and tree designs either up or presently being crafted - this time for my husband and I is the busiest work season of them all...

I used to work in retail every Christmas just because I love shopping and discounts - but for the first time its not a necessity. I am assisting my husband on the production staff of the Christmas Celebration at his church.

Now, you may think that this is just a basic Christmas play - but soon you will see why I say its the most exhausting/wonderful time of the year.

First let me preface this by saying, my husband and I go to two separate churches - something neither of us ever really wanted as a married couple, however, for work reasons in ministry for both of us --its something that we decided was right. I support his church as often as I can and its easier since its really close to home, but my church (although an hour away) will always be OUR home church - its where we met.

Now, isn't my second church home quite beautiful. This picture does not do the size of this church any justice at all. There is a fountain and large sculpture just to my immediate left, but I will say that this church is so beautiful at night when it lights up!

Evangel Cathedral

Christmas Celebration Rehearsal starts in July. Yes, we have been working on this since JULY!
My husband is the Music Producer/Director for the show. His staff plays a major part in the administration and the overall production.

Panoramic shot of the sanctuary turned Arts Center

I get the opportunity to offer my assistance to the production staff -
 and play in make up from time to time.

My husband is in complete work mode - he has been looking like Super Producer Vincent Herbert (re: Tamar and Vince) these days when we go out trying to send music and answer emails and organize everything sound wise for this production. He gets a pass these days when it comes to being on the phone at dinner versus talking to me.

New friend, Angela - lead vocalist in the cast

I love Christmas Celebration though because we make new friends with people who come out to participate in the cast. People can be such good sports when they are forced to wear corsets, hoop skirts and bonnets! LOL

Mary Mary in Costume for Act I

... and always have a great time with the guest artists and definitely PLENTY OF LAUGHS to keep us through the long rehearsals. Even Erica and Tina of Mary Mary were such good sports during dress rehearsal. YIKES! I could not imagine what they thought when they saw the costume.

And each year there tends to be more and more new things that bring an element of surprise to the production - like aerialist who will be suspended on silks high above the stage.

The closer it gets to show time  - the more we get to have a little fun!
The Director of Make-up and I got to do some blocking for the Mary Mary segment and my husband thought it was quite hilarious! 

There's always some last minute choreography changes... but these young ladies can dance! Who can pull off what they pull off dressed like that?! I'm just saying.

But all in all, we do prepare for Christmas in the way that it is a ministry and there is always a bigger message in the show. I would be going to see this play even if I weren't working in it.

Now, because its such hard work -running around and what not, we usually have dinner at church these days. It does not help that one of the employees also works as a chef at La Quotidien Bakery - he brings the best tarts, custards and yesterday brought over two whole trash bag sized bags of bread. I could not believe it! This box DOES NOT HELP my diet in the least! Oh well, maybe I can still blame it on Thanksgiving...  

Much love and Sunshine,

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200th Post ~ Monday's Thanksgiving Musings

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving... In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I figured I would share with you a throwback picture of one of my first Thanksgivings. I can tell by the pic that I was 2 years old here. The giveaway is that my sister is not pictured because she wasn't born yet. 
I think its quite hilarious that my mom dressed me and my brother like little versions of her and my dad -just different colors. SMH. 

So Thanksgiving this year was hosted by my husband and I at our house with my immediate family. 
The pressure was on to make the best meal ever for my first Thanksgiving. 

Truffle Mac and Cheese anyone?

I am completely kidding - this is not in my budget ever! I will make an attempt with Black Truffle Oil in the future though. But umm I will not be shaving $999.99 per pound truffles. 

My husband said "no short cuts this Thanksgiving" so I had to flex my amateur chef muscles. 
First thing I had to do the night before was snap these organic green beans so they could soak overnight. 

When I looked at my counter on Wednesday Night, I just about quit right then and there. 

In the morning, I became Paula Deen in that kitchen (well the healthier version)... Beans were in the pot. Cabbage was on the heat and I fried the bacon in the pot - the key ingredients to my version of Potatoes Au Gratin. Simply layer in between your sliced potatoes and cheese and YUM!

By the time the food was all prepared, this is what my counter looked like!

Handmade Pretzel Rolls with Honey Butter
Macaroni and Cheese
Sweet Potato Casserole
Organic String Beans with Turkey
Turkey (made by hubby)
Potatoes Au Gratin with Cabbage and Bacon
Dry Rub Pork Ribs
Spiral Sliced Ham
Corn Pudding
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Potato Salad
Pulled BBQ Turkey
Cranberry Sauce 

Leftovers for DAYS!!! YUMMMMM!

And the Creme de le Creme

One of Oprah's Favorite Things this year - Carousel Cakes "Blue Velvet Cake"

We cut this open and it was almost too pretty to eat... 

When I tell you this cake was SO AMAZING!!

After Thanksgiving was all said and done, I got to have a sister date. 

We did the manicure and eyebrow thing...

Then drove to Downtown Baltimore and was able to catch the Fireworks and Light Show

Ended the night at Ra Sushi for Sake, Edamame and Tuna Tataki and Pineapple Wontons. 

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.. 

Leave a link so that I can catch up with what you did. 

Now to get us in the Christmas Mood...

Much love and Sunshine,

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Me, Myself and I : Holiday Fun!

So as I am preparing my shopping lists and still in shock about how soon these Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are quickly approaching, I decided to go ahead and link-up for Me, Myself and I. 

What are your TOP 5 FAVE MOVIES to watch during the Holidays? 

OMG I have to name only 5?? Well seeing as though, my hubby and I LOVE movies there are a few that you just can't go through the holidays without watching.
The Preacher's Wife (I love a movie I can sing along to)
ELF (anything with Will Farrell I am there)
Home Alone (all of them)
National Lampoon's Christmas
and Just Friends (not neccessarily a Christmas movie but he does go home for Christmas in it and its hilarious).

QUESTION 2It's the month of giving thanks - what are you thankful for? 

Hmm... where do I start.

The Red Cup Season of Starbucks
Health Insurance
Beauty Supply Stores
A Hybrid Car that takes Regular Gas
Reclosebale Bag of Mini Fudge Stripe Cookies

If there was a quote/verse to describe your life, what would it be? 
Pinned Image
I lost track of my own plans a long time ago... I really do try to just embrace it as it comes.


Who in your family are you most alike? 

Hmm ... I don't know really. I am kind of different but I guess I would have to say my mother.

There are so many things that I do that drive my husband crazy that he or I blame my mother for.

Perfect Example.


What is your favorite drink order at Starbucks? 

It changes by the season, but as of late is the Caramel Brule Latte! YUM! Oh with Soy Milk ONLY.


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Monday's Musings: Thankful Tuesday Edition

So typically on Monday's I give a run down of what I did over the weekend. Clearly, Monday has now passed and I still have not been able to capture what I did over the weekend. So here we go: A Thankful Tuesday Edition of Monday's Musings.
First let me just say that I LOVED the Twilight Movie, Breaking Dawn 2 with the unexpected twist at the end. I read the book when it came out but it has been so long ago that I forgot the details. Recently, Yesterday I found the book and I am almost tempted to read it again just because they left out so many details that were in the book. Like for one, we see them in that stupid Volvo the whole movie -- I was looking forward to seeing all the crazy cars that Edward owned. Sucks to have a vehicle sponsor for your movie. However, another upside? THE SOUNDTRACK - the music was awesome. KUDOS!

Now onto other things... Friday Night my sister hosted a Coats and Cocktails Event through her blog to support the homeless of DC. Of course I helped my sister out with this event along with her staff. We collected several hundreds of coats to donate to Martha's Table of Washington, DC. Mayor Vincent Gray sent her a Letter of Appreciation and the Governor of M.D. Martin O'Malley gave her a Governor's Citation for the work that she has done in the community. I was SOOOOO proud of her and I know the rest of my family is too.

We served Red Velvet Cupcakes from Red Velvet Cupcakery and the Cocktails were sponsored by Moet & Chandon. Kudos to them for sending cases of Rose!

Here are some pics you may have seen on my Instagram from the event...
Little Sister is in the middle.

Sunday rolls around and duty as a Soror calls... I had to be at a Crossing Ceremony and so I squeezed church in on the way there. DO NOT DO THIS! but hey an iPad comes in handy - I Live Streamed Church as I drove to Baltimore, MD and didn't miss a thing!

I picked up my sister and we put on our "uniform" - uninterrupted black. I am wearing my first strand of pearls as a woman of Delta Sigma Theta, given to me by my hubby and also a strand of pearls that belonged to my Great-Grandmother - a founder of our sorority.

My sister and I welcomed into the Sorority its newest member, a young lady who we have literally known since birth, Tiffany Mason. She and my sister are months apart and were in arms when our mothers met and I was all of 3 years old - now we are Sorors for life!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to honor people who I am thankful for in more ways then one. So the first will be, my grandfather The Late Samuel Edward Smith. I am bias to the women in my family because we are very aggressive by nature and quite independent that our men do not get love sometimes. My grandparents were divorced and remarried to other people but still before my grandfather passed in 1995, I had fond memories of him that stick with me to this day. I can thank him for my love for being near or on the water. He owned a boat and would take us out on the Bay to go crabbing. One thing I hope I can share with my future children. I am also thankful for him because when I took a look at his picture recently it didn't make me feel so bad for being so "cheek heavy". As much as people say I look like my mom.... I swear I look mostly like my grandfather and his mother. What you think?

And to this woman, Robin Roberts.. I am a Good Morning America fan! I wake up to it every morning and was sad that Robin was suffering. However, her strength that she has shown through getting a Bone Marrow Transplant and fighting virus' and the like, give so many people around the world hope. I pray that she continues to get stronger and returns in due time to GMA.

And lastly, I am so thankful for the finale performance of the AMA's.. its one of the few that I caught because I watching my Ravens beat the Steelers... but I LOVED IT! It took me back to Elementary/Middle School when MC Hammer was on everything! Including a cartoon... and he danced SO hard!

Happy Early Thanksgiving Everyone...

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