
The "Venus and Serena Williams" of it all...

My little sister and I are three years apart.
Clearly it was easy for my mom to have two girls back to back... we stayed in outfits that were similar if not the same... it was great because we did most things together- dance, sing, and definitely entertain each other when either one of us got bored. I used to be taller then she was and those days of being the taller, older sister ended right around me going to the 9th grade... I quickly had to get over that.

But perhaps its a sister thing... Venus and Serena may never get called Jasmine and Joi but we have heard it all as far as comparisons with them over the years. Especially when they first hit the scene as great tennis players and when they grew up, we grew up... and when their hair would change color or lengths so did ours... and the comparisons kept coming... trust, in no way however, are we tennis stars not even novices in the least.

via Google Images

But, Sisters we are... There used to be a time, that despite my sister shooting up to be 5'11 and my remaining at 5'8 since I was in college... we used to be able to shop in the same stores, exchange shirts and what not... borrow dresses.. not so much pants because I was the curvier sister- always have been since I can remember.

But nonetheless, reality is... I have gained more weight then I had ever desired or thought I was capable. Afterall, it took me until my second year in college to reach a good 100 lbs. and that was a proud accomplishment.
So here we are today... and yes, compare away..

                                                                                      via Google Images

 But when I thought about what my weight loss goal would be for 2012. I had to really look back and see where I took pictures and was happy with what I saw.. this picture below was about 4 years ago. I was in BEBE clothing and loved that I could fit everything and still keep my curves. That is important to me. Just like Serena, I am quite proud to be curvy... and at one point, FIT!

So what's the whole Venus and Serena of it all??... well, I recently saw this picture of Serena and added it to my vision board. She looks great here and hasn't lost any of her curves. If I had a weight loss goal. It would be to be able to get down to this size and as motivation and reward - do a photo shoot like this one. Sometimes, I would talk myself out of the desire to lose weight by believing that I was happy with the way that I look, but the way that I see myself in the mirror is the me that I used to be.. afterall, I was always on the slim/curvy side of life. However, mirrors lie and pictures really tell the truth. I want to be able to look at my pictures these days and say, WOW I am too FLY for my own good... like I used to. I am ready to take on the challenge..
via Serena Williams Twitter Profile

At the end of it all.. this is what I want to see myself looking like. It may take some time. Life may get in the way, but the goal remains the same. "Become Serena's body double." Just Kidding..

Become the best me I know I can be!



My Fitness Pal: Tackling a Resolution

Well, I know that I had posted some New Year's Resolutions and have not spoken much of them lately. That is probably because I have not done much in achieving them. Isn't that typically how New Year's Resolutions work? Ok. Fine. It's just me then...

However, I did say that I was ready to lose weight. And with looking at every photo and cringing at how I look and remembering what size I was wearing when I met hubby to what size I wear now and try to laugh it off like its ok that there are so many sizes in between... I had made up my mind that even if I start slowly, its definitely time for me to start.

So, since everyone at work is also dieting ... mind you it is still January and everyone is still checking off losing weight off their New Years Resolutions, I finally decided to just ask around to see what tools others were using.
A co-worker shared with me this FREE (cause you know if I have to pay for it, its never going to get accomplished) weight-loss tool that reminds me of Weight Watchers online. The only difference is that instead of counting points, it takes your weight, you set the goal and then it gives you the alloted calories that you will be able to consume per day to reach your goal.

Its also an online community, so you can chat and update your status with friends and blog and join groups, etc. Its actually quite a great idea... but their best yet, is the fact that you can scan the barcode on a package to enter in your food content. How easy is that?!

So I was sold! Went to the homepage...

Entered in what I had consumed today, even down to my fattening snack (two butter crunch cookies from the Great Cookie... hey, I said I was starting SLOW) that I was eating while scolling through the site. Then, Reality set in... I was already over in my calories resulting in -257 for the day and its CLEAR that I don't consume enough protein as my protein content was very low... hence testing for borderline anemia recently... definitely lowered my caffeine intake to combat that... My goal is to lose a significant amount of weight by the Summer.

SO.... what now?

...make small attempts at getting my 3 workouts per week for 30 mins and hope that then I will at least begin to see results. I just need to shift some calories for certain meals around and I will be at a slow pace towards my goal.

The goal so far is to lose two pounds a week. Wish me luck..

What are you doing for your weight loss??

BTW. THIS POST IS STRICTLY MY OPINION AND MY PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION AND IN NO WAY WAS I COMPENSATED! Although I wish I was... so My Fitness Pal if you are out there and want to sponsor me let me know..



Don't You love a Good Maxi Dress?

Anyone who knows me, knows that ironically my favorite color is Grey! and that I am a sucker for anything MAXI! I love a great Maxi dress! Anything that fits really comfy yet dressy enough for me to get away with as business casual with the right accessories is a winner in my book. Not to mention anything hugs in the right place and hides the other not so right places will always get my vote.

Check out this Maxi Dress, the Piazza Novana from my partners at Shabby Apple..

Paired with those red sandals is a win win in my book! The Piazza Novana is a floor length Maxi dress, which makes it so versatile. AND did somebody say SALE?! Use PROMO code NEWYEAR to get 20% off.

Check out other dresses and accessories for Women and Kids as well as some Crafts and Home Decor. If you ever want to check them out again in the future, there is always a link on my sidebar.. Happy Shopping!



The Cure for a "Chili" Day

Never would I have thought that I would have a recipe to share with you guys, but I have been told that I make a great semi-homemade poor man's Chili. Since it is getting cold outside, I figured why not? I would love for you to try it and tell me how it turned out..

You will need: Fresh Onions, Red Peppers, Pinto Beans (I use Goya Brand), a Salsa (I use Chi-Chi's), and Ground Meat (I use Ground Turkey)... Combine all these ingredients into a large skillet OR this can be done in a Crockpot! -- the best invention to me since sliced bread because I can just toss it in and forget about it.

Note: my hubby and I like our Chili Spicy so if you don't want it spicy just don't include those ingredients that will make your throat burn. For an extra kick of flavor, I use a fresh ingredient marinade that my in-laws have developed (and will hopefully be in stores near you soon)...

Seriously this is the best all natural marinade you can find... and my opinion is not sponsored in regards to this sauce... it really just is that good! It added so much kick and flavor to the chili without adding any salt. If you are interested in trying any just send me an email at hellogmsunshine@gmail.com.

So if you try to make my poor man's chili, drop me a comment and let me know how it came out... it was definitely a winner in my house.

P.S. This post has been linked up to
  At The Picket Fence


We're still getting settled in..


We are still getting settled in. 

In the future, we will be featuring some:

"Words of Sunshine: Inspirational Moments"

"Spreading the Sunshine: Blogs that I have been loving over the Weekend"

Featuring some DIY Crafts

Recipes (whenever I get the urge to cook)

.... and posts about the newlywed life and everything in between. 

and will begin to put some items on the to-do list as we begin to move next month. 


Home Construction Updates

French Doors
Closing up one entrance 
Edited out the Formal Living and Dining Room
Added a Media Room
Pre-wiring installed
Maple Cabinets
4" inch plank wood floors
Waterfall staircase
Stainless Steel Appliances (going in)
Ubatuba Granite


Photo a Day Challenge: Day 21 - Reflection

Don't you love these butterflies and mirrors in Neimans?... maybe its just me. 


Decisions, Decisions

New home... now what are we going to fill it with. I have spent so many days and hours looking for the perfect pieces of furniture to fill our new home with... 

Its so difficult sometimes because I have an art background, which means I really feel like I have visual A.D.D. I want to change something almost instantaneously. But I do have a vision for my new home... the issue is so does hubby. The challenge will be 1. how to create my vision and 2. how to maintain that vision with his taste in mind?

Until then.. we are flipping pages, scouring every home store from coast to coast. 

Hubby and I were recently in Florida and sure enough, we found ourselves going to some boutique furniture stores looking for things that we would want to use in our home. We can not wait until we can actually start making some purchases and putting some things in that will make it a wonderful home.

We are almost to the finish line. 

Closing in a few weeks... 

Check out the House Tour Section to see more updated photos of our construction progress.



Photo a Day Challenge: Day 19 - Sweet

Something Sweet... reminds me of my hubby.. ya know... Famous Amos - Get it?
Corny, I know. 



Photo a Day Challenge: Day 13 - In my Bag

Ok, I have to be honest, I carry a non-decript backpack to work because of the line of work I am in.. inside of my back pack is :
  • my Louis Vuitton sac
  • a smaller black ostrich purse, that currently has nothing inside, so I am not sure why its in there.
  • a White, Old Apple Store plastic bag that I use as my make up on the go bag because I have a make up case for the house.. the whole make up transporting thing will get fixed once we move...
  • an Old Navy bag that has like a $6. fleece in it because its cold and I use them to wear underneath of my agency issued windbreaker.
Yeah maybe I am a bit of a pack rat in real life because I have no idea why I lug any of that to work every day but watch one day I leave it and I am going to need something out of that backpack.


Good Morning Sunshine! and Pottery Barn

I know that I have not been blogging a lot lately... there is just so much going on, but I do promise to get back to it really shortly... This is the view from the second floor windor of our townhome.. that beautiful SUN... ignore the construction crew, large trash ins and arbitrary lack of landscape at the moment and what not. It just reminded me why I wanted to build our home on this lot -- the Sunshine.

Hubby and I stopped at a few stores this past weekend. This chandelier caught my eye in Pottery Barn.. its a possibility for perhaps some Master Bedroom lighting or even my home office. What do you think?


Things I am Loving!

These are in no particular order, however these are a few things that I am definitely loving right about now...

Can we say DOUBLE YUM!
You can get this at your local Wal-Mart... caught me off guard at how tasty this snack is.

via Wendys
Wendy's Wild Berry Lemonade is so good! Its also SUPER SWEET! but its getting me through this particular day.. I am trying to cut back on caffeine.. its totally not really working. The caffeine withdrawal is giving me a slight headache and making me sleepy but my lemonade is keeping me going!

What are some of the things that you are loving so far?




Photo a Day Challenge: Day 11 - Where I Sleep

Its nothing fancy, but its where I sleep for now.. on our California King Bed... everything will be changing when we move.

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